I have some questions about potentially getting some moles removed.
I have two on my back, right in the center next to eachother. They have driven me crazy my whole life, because I feel like I can't wear anything backless, etc. They really aren't unsightly, but I hate them. I really am considering getting them removed but I have some questions.
First, can I even get them removed? One is somewhat flat, the other raised. Also, what is the pain factor like? And last, how long (generally) is the healing?
Thanks so much everyone, and I'm sorry if this is a weird post..
I have had one removed, from my arm a few years ago. It wasn't raised up at all, so you can definitely get yours removed. As far as pain goes, it was a local anesthetic (sp?), so I didn't feel anything. I don't remember how long it took to heal though.
I had two moles removed from my back when I was... 12 I think. They weren't unsightly or anything, but my doctor was concerned that they were cancerous (they were not). As CarrieS said, it was a local anesthetic, and the only pain I felt was the pinch of the needle. I was out with my mom and my best friend shopping at the mall that day-- there was absolutely no down time. I'm not sure how long they took to heal, but I got the stitches taken out a week later. I have scars where the moles used to be now, but they don't bother me. I've always felt kind of weird talking about it, too...
i got a raised mole removed on my leg and two flat ones on my face. I could have went to a doctor, but instead I went to a laser center so that they could be lasered off. They could cut them out there, but I was too scared to (I'm a wimp!) and they said healing was harder because it is more of a surgery (but it was cheaper.) Instead, I lasered them off, doesn't hurt at all. It smells like burning rubber and is hot, but they just kind of wipe them off. It was $350 per mole though- pricey. I paid for it over a few months though using care credit- you have no interest if you split your payments into 3 or 6 month programs, as long as you pay off in full by then. I'm pretty sure insurance doesn't cover it, at least not the laser, maybe the cutting way, if you tell them you think its cancerous.
Amelie - just be aware of scarring. I had a raised mole removed off my back almost 10 years ago (yikes! I feel old!) and it made a circular scar on my back - it kid of looks like a gsw...but it isn't entirely noticeable. I also had 3 raised moles removed off my neck. 2 out of the 3 (the more raised ones) left a tiny scar. None of my scars are that noticeable, but they do exist. I also have a tinge olive-y skin and the scars are more white.
Also, it doesn't hurt (though, I have fainted every time they removed one, I am a wimp). And if you go to a dermatologist, they will say recommend that the mole be removed for medical reasons so insurance will cover it.