I am still working on Lucy's nursery and I want to buy some medium size blank canvases, 1 for each letter of her name, and then paint each letter on one with maybe a picture of something that starts with that letter. For example, the first one would be an "L" and I would paint maybe a lion on it, for the "U" I could do an umbrella, etc. However, I am not that good at drawing and would need to use a stencil or something. Any ideas on where I could get cool stencils or how I could accomplish this? I'd love to hear if you all have any suggestions or website for inspiration.
Also, if anyone has a more modern, less cutesy-but-still-whimsical idea I'd love to hear that as well. TIA!
Any way you could get your hands on a projector? You might be able to rent one from an art store...
I've used an opaque projector (you can use any picture you find...on regular paper, whatever) and project it onto your canvas (hang it on a wall). Then just trace the picture that is projected on your canvas. This works well if the canvases are large, but I'm not sure what you mean by "medium sized".
So, you could just do a search for a clip art lion or umbrella, slap it on the projector, and you've got instant artistic ability!
the projector is a great idea. i've done it before for a friend's nursery. she found some illustrations from a storybook and photocopied them onto clear sheets of acetate so that we could trace the images onto the walls. you would just have to FIND the illustrations that you wanted. children's books are a great place to start looking... i think that i would head to the library.
here's another thought. i remembered these alphabet cards that i've always wanted but couldn't find a reason to buy. you could just take the letters you need from the deck and frame them!