I was baby sitting my friends daughter today,and we were watching sesame street.It got me to wondering who was every one favorite character/characters when they were a kid.
I will start
#1.The Count
#2.Ernie (I never cared much for Bert)
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.- Ralph Waldo Emerson
2. Bert (especially when he did "the Pigeon". It was a dance.)
When I was watching Sesame Street in the mid 70's I also really liked the "real" people, Mr.Hooper, Maria, Luis and Gordon. Can't believe I remembered all their names!
I was never really into Seasme Street. Even when I was really little I preferred Mr. Rogers and Reading Rainbow. Now I would be quite excited if I could meet Levar Burton.
My faves where Barkley, big birds dog friend, and the count. I still love to count like him. We have three cats and when I'm feeding them I always count them off...one cat ah, ah, ah, two cats, ah, ah, ah, three eating cats, ....
cookie monster, the Count and his little bats. does anyone else remember Captain Vegetable? he was a bunny superhero that made kids try healthy foods insted of candy? Love him.
I remember captain vegtable.He frightened the piss out of me as a child! When ever he came on I would put my hands over my face and run out of the room.I am not quite sure why he frightened me so much.
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.- Ralph Waldo Emerson
cookie monster, the Count and his little bats. does anyone else remember Captain Vegetable? he was a bunny superhero that made kids try healthy foods insted of candy? Love him.
When I was little I thought Big Bird was the most important on the show! Definintly my fav. I remember when I was 5 watching a clip of a guys doing dirtwork then the guys eating chocolate ice cream. I thought chocolate ice cream came from dirt! Made sense to me since chocolate is brown and dirt is brown! I was so dumb!