Do you pick out your clothes/outfit (for work/school) for a week, the night before, or 'that day'? LOL I TRY my best to do it the 'night before', b/c if not, I'll be staring at clothes ALL MORNING long if I don't! LOL I'd love to do/try it for a week, but the weather here in Austin is so effin' crazy....LOL
What about you?
"Until you spread your wings, you'll have no idea how far you can fly".
Do you pick out your clothes/outfit (for work/school) for a week, the night before, or 'that day'? LOL I TRY my best to do it the 'night before', b/c if not, I'll be staring at clothes ALL MORNING long if I don't! LOL I'd love to do/try it for a week, but the weather here in Austin is so effin' crazy....LOL
What about you?
Totally pick them out in a rush last minute. If I try to pick them out early, I end up wearing something else, just to spite myself. I'm a moody dresser.
I have great plans to put outfits together the night before (or ideally on Sunday so I have a week's worth ready to go) but I haven't been able to make that a constant habit yet.
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
I also plan the morning of, but since I've been going to the gym in the morning, the first time I try on my outfit is when I'm at the gym. This method has created some crabby days because some things don't look as good as I remembered or I'm having a day where I hate my fill-in-the-blank and my outfit seems to make it worse. So, I need to start packing my outfit the night before and trying it on, so at least I can eliminate some of the outfit hating. I didn't realize how often I change and tweak my outfit when I'm at home.
When I do manage to pick things out the night before, it makes the morning totally easier. I always forget that benefit, and I think I secretly wish that there will be some freak snow-day or something, and I won't have to go in.
Mostly the morning of, for an average day. I sometimes think about it lying in bed at night, or I think about it in the shower, so I'm kind of planning ahead, but not by much.
I usually try to get a few 'base' ideas going on Sunday evening - usually I'll hang a few combos together at the front of the closet, and throw a few shoe choices down below them. As long as I'm good about checking the weather and my activities for the week and making sure my selections are appropriate, I end up with both some pre-selected options and the ability to chose in the moment what I feel like wearing. Works pretty well - I don't end up in yoga pants everyday, nor do I have to get up 30 minutes earlier just to make sure I end up with a half-decent outfit on.
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
Always the morning of, although sometimes the day before I'll think, "hey, I think I'll wear that sweater tomorrow, with x jeans, and x shoes." It's not surprsing I often end up disliking the outfit I picked.
Know first, who you are; and then adorn yourself accordingly. - Epictetus
I almost always plan an outfit the night before as I'm laying in bed trying to go to sleep. I am so not a morning person and it helps for me to have a plan to start the day with.
My morning routine consists of always hitting the snooze button once, however I don't usually fall back asleep. I spend that time laying in bed, mentally putting together my outfit. The next time the buzzer goes off I pop right out of bed and can get dressed with ease!