I posted before about my clinique mascara flaking etc, but it turns out that I think it's actually the eyeliner that's flaking off. I just bought Clinique Quickliner, after a few girls on here recommended, and I'm so bummed - I think that it's flaking..i can see it wearing off on my bottom lids. So....does anyone know of a good eyeliner besides the Clinique? I prefer a pencil, but not the kind you have to sharpen...i like the kind you just twist up..and I don't like liquid. Thanks!
If you don't need a super-precise line and you have oily eyelids, you should check out MAC shadesticks. I use those for lining my eyes because they do the job really well, stay put for hours upon hours and I tend to prefer a thicker line.
I like MAC too. I don't think that I use the "shadestick" though. What ever it is I've been most happy with it, and fully intend to buy the rest of my eyeliners from them.
Mary Kay has a liner like this that I've used for about 7 years - if you find a shade you like you can easily find them new on ebay - lots of people that are trying to dump their inventory sell there & that's the only way I buy everything I use now - cheap & you don't have to deal with a sales person.