How long is your cycle? Mine used to be 30 days, but since I had a miscarriage in January (only 6 weeks along), my cycle has been 30-38 days long. It's driving me nuts just sitting around waiting for it every month (we've been trying to get pregnant again). It used to be so regular. Now I never know what to expect. Just wondering if anyone else has a real long cycle like that.
I don't currently, because I'm on the pill. But before I was, mine cycle was about 35-40 days. And my periods lasted upwards of 10 days. Sucks, huh? That's why I stay on the pill forever and ever. I'm afraid they'll go back to being so horrible if I get off. (Well, that and other reasons... )
That sucks Cricket! It's not uncommon to have really wonky cycles after a miscarriage, so you're not alone (I know that doesn't really help anything). It can take some people's cycles up to a year after being off the pill to regulate themselves again (and sometimes they are permanently different than pre-pill cycles), so your body is still probably trying to sort itself out. FWIW, my cycles are and have always been 28 days long. That is until I started skipping periods using the pill. It went great for a year and then the pill I was taking got too expensive so I switched to something else. Though it was supposed to, it didn't suppress my period and I've had weird mid-cycle (or entire cycle) spotting ever since. Looks like things are getting back to normal now since I stopped skipping periods. Have you asked your doctore about your irregular cycles?
Hope things work for you really soon!
Some none-of-my-business questions that you can feel free to ignore:
If you are temping/charting you should be able to determine whether or not the longer cycles are affecting the time of month you ovulate. If ovulation isn't affected, the longer cycles aren't really bad you just have fewer chances per year technically to get pregnant. On the other hand, if you had short luteal phases in the past the longer cycles could actually be good for implantation.
/ end none-of-my-business-knows-too-much-about-this-stuff-so-just-shut-up question marathon.
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}