I'm so glad I'm not the only one who make up silly nicknames for pets I call my cats Bodedobobo, Stinkerella, Stumblina, Tenacious T, I also make up songs containing those nicknames and sing them on the top of my lungs to amuse myself. Lately I keep saying what ev instead of whatever. I also have a tendency to address people as "Hey you" instead of actually using their names.
Ahhh! I say "whatev" too. I also like to call people by their first initials, like "Big A", "Little E" etc., which is pretty obnoxious.
I have lots of dog nicknames, also: The Fuzz, Fuzzface, Boogs, Poophead McGee, Baby Stinky, etc.
"We live in an age where unnecessary things are our only necessities." --Oscar Wilde