For some reason this bag kind of reminded me of the Coach bag you had that didn't work out. So I thought I'd post it for you in case you were looking for a replacement. It comes in midnight black, chocolate brown, deep purple and dusty rose (not available in the turquiose anymore).
Thanks for posting! I wish all the snaps were grommetts sadness. I am still sad over that bag- and I was just reading a magazine that said grommets were going to be stylish this fall and I got sad thinking of how styling I could have been
Do you have any experience with Tano bags? I also like this one:
and i'm curious to see what their fall colors are.
I also like that one you posted. Oh, and here is one with grommetts
I really like Tano bags. I haven't owned one yet (I'm on a wait list for one for fall), but the boutique I worked at sold them. They are really nice and I love the quality of the leather. I emailed the girl at that website and she described the new leather for fall (at least for the bag I'm getting), here is what she said:
The bag will be made in a new leather called CRUNCH for the fall. Its even softer, with more lighter and darker areas, a slightly aged look, with a glaze over the top.
I've had this Tano bag (Spring Roll) for about four months now and I absolutely love it! The color is deep purple - an eggplant purple, really. I really like the quality of the leather, too. It's thin and lightweight, kind of crunchy but smooth. HTH!