I would love some ideas for beach shots or anything that you just love!
We are going to be in Nantucket next week and I am taking full advantage that my father is a photographer and we are going to take our engagement pictures. TIA!
I think Smash had some really pretty engagement pictures. If she doesnt respond to this post you might PM her to see where she did her's (they were in a park if i remember correctly but she really cute poses).
"Despite all your best intentions, sometimes, fate wins anyway."
we had our pics in central park. i think it's nice to just spend time together and get lots of candid shots during that time. i prefer those to a lot of overly posed shots.
"to be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its night and day to make you everybody else, means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight, and never stop trying." - ee cummings
my favorite beachy engagement photos are those of "dkwnyc" on theknot.com - she has a few in her bio. http://www.theknot.com/co_profileview.htm?profilename=dkwnyc not sure if you've seen it but there is an engagement picture bio also: http://www.theknot.com/co_profileview.htm?profilename=engagement_pics that might give you some ideas. we had our pics in central park. i think it's nice to just spend time together and get lots of candid shots during that time. i prefer those to a lot of overly posed shots.
the 1st link was one of the most gorgeous, well thought out weddings i have ever seen! LOVE the candy bar idea and altho we had an awesome dessert buffet, the candy bar seems so fun. also love the scheudles she made and the spa invite and really all the details! i wish i could do it all over again!