I do NOT want to boil the innard parts (yuck). I just can't stomach it. I am willing, however, to make a gravy out of flour and the drippings of the turkey in the pan. Anyone have a yummy recipe? Am going to look online too but thought I'd post here as well.
I actually prefer the cornstarch method of thickening - IMO it's easier, and you don't have to worry about any possible raw flour taste. I just take the drippings and put them in a small saucepan with some broth/stock and/or maybe a little white wine, simmer and reduce a little bit, dissolve some cornstarch in just enough cold water to make it non-clumpy and then whisk it into the gravy. Done!
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
I do what Elle does but use arrowroot instead of cornstarch - I find that it has less of a starchy tastes. It also goes totally clear when it's heated, so you won't end up with any cloudiness. You can also add some seasonings - I've been loving fresh thyme lately.
Oh, and I don't bother with a saucepan... just set the roasting pan right on the burner (use 2 if needed). Scrape up all the browned bits from the pan, then strain the gravy before serving.