This is the Times of London, not the Weekly World News, people. This is serious. This meeting at which the document was circulated is, as Michael Smith has pointed out, the equivalent of a cabinet meeting here with Condi, Wolfowitz, et al. But are we hearing much about it in the mainstream media? You bet not. (Liberal media, my ass. They are so beholden to the White House it's crazy.) Like many in my camp, I've long suspected the meat of this memo to be the case, but this is a big deal because of the high level from which it comes.
Oh, here's the memo itself. Published MAY 1 - wtf has taken so long for this to get any attention over here?:
What's killing me is that I know it will go nowhere. Even though some democrats are holding an informal hearing on the matter today, the White House's belligerent stance will get it swept under the rug like everything else (they dismiss anything - no matter how true - negative as "partisan." I am sorry, but lying to the American public is not a matter of partisanship, it's a matter of common decency and the oath of office). And the WH already has refused to answer the letter from Rep Conyers demanding to know if the memo is real/true.
In addition to the way the WH is going to brush it off, what kills me even more is that I am not confident the American public is going to care (IMO, this is MUCH worse than Watergate, and makes Monicagate even more laughable than it already was). But people will say, "Well, the ends justify the means, Saddam is gone, blah blah... whatever the president has to tell us to go along with his cockamamie plans is just fine with us as long as there's a 'happy ending.' "(1700 American lives and tens of thousands of Iraqi lives - not to mention the irretrievable tarnishing of our image abroad and the increased risk to our national security that has caused - is not exactly a happy ending to me). Others are saying that the content of the memo is "old news." Does that somehow make it OK? If it IS old news that the reasons for the war were fixed, how on EARTH does that make it ok? In my opinion, it just makes it all the more sad that people are apathetic about being lied to, especially if they already knew about it.
People just don't want to hear this sort of thing. Nobody is going to hold anyone accountable because speaking truth to power in this country is seen as anti-patriotic these days (unless you're a democrat - then you'll get raked across the coals for getting a blowjob or daring to utter a scream of triumph at a campaign rally). And frankly, the patriotism question is absurd - when our armed forces rely upon the truthful word of their government and young lives are being put on the line and lost, patriotism DEMANDS that those who control our military be held accountable and that the truth be sought. Nobody should ever be sent to die under false pretenses, no matter what might come of it.
Watergate was 30 years ago, but what is its real legacy? People keep talking about how it has made the government more accountable to the people, but I have never witnessed such a lack of transparency or accountability.
-- Edited by dc at 12:49, 2005-06-16
~ dc
"Anyone who lives within their means suffers from a lack of imagination" - Oscar Wilde
i wish i could say that i'm surprised by this but the truth is i'm not. i always felt (and still feel) that the reasons for the war in iraq were flimsy (to put it mildly) and this just confirms that. the thing is i feel like outside of my little bubble i come across as some sort of wild eyed conspiracy theorist. (i've had many arguments with my brother about this and he thinks i'm crazy).
what saddens me is that even if this becomes a big deal (which i doubt, but i'm not without hope), many people will ignore it, in the same way people kind of ignored the fact that they didn't really find wmd's in iraq. and it just highlights one of my biggest issues with american society (and this is not an indictment on america b/c it is a great country) in that very few people bother to critically analyze the information they receive from the media on a daily basis, whether it's bullshit about lindsay lohan and brangelina, or more pressing issues like this.
My feeling after reading that was, "So what am I supposed to do about it, and what could be done to 'fix' it?"
Should we impeach Bush? The thing is that as "corrupt" as our government can be, we are way better off than anywhere else I can think of. Say we impeach Bush; who do we elect? Who can fix this mess? It is way bigger than one person, and most people don't want to deal with something that they can't think of a solution to.
Not saying it's right; just my observation and opinion.
My feeling after reading that was, "So what am I supposed to do about it, and what could be done to 'fix' it?" Nothing. Should we impeach Bush? The thing is that as "corrupt" as our government can be, we are way better off than anywhere else I can think of. Say we impeach Bush; who do we elect? Who can fix this mess? It is way bigger than one person, and most people don't want to deal with something that they can't think of a solution to. Not saying it's right; just my observation and opinion.
Hey Drew - I don't think anyone thinks it can be "fixed," but people would like someone to be held accountable. Did anyone intend to "fix" it when Clinton lied so earth-shatteringly about getting a BJ? No, but they sure as hell held him accountable for it. The tenacity of the angry mob that went after Clinton was impressive to say the least - I just wish we could get people equally riled up when a President commits an act of actual consequence!
So on that note, when so many lives have been lost based upon what was possibly a deception (ok, you know I think we were lied to, but I am being fair), it bears full investigation and as many people as possible should be held accountable. When someone is murdered, for example, we don't say, "Well, we can't fix it so let's not take anyone to task." We investigate and ultimately hold someone responsible. IF Bush and his cronies lied, no matter WHAT good comes of the war, he still lied, and this is not something we should accept. If we won't accept a lie about a President's sex life (done to protect his own privacy), we definitely should not accept a lie that affects everyone - basically - in the world.
As for the logistics were Bush to be impeached (my dearest dream, but it won't happen - his political machine is too powerful) well, that would work itself out. But you don't stick with someone who does you wrong just because you can't figure out who else to be with - it's true of a boyfriend and it SHOULD be true of a leader. We can do better, and when it comes to our leaders, why should we "settle" when lives are at stake?
And I totally agree with honey - people can't be bothered to think critically, and probably for the reasons Drew pointed out - too messy, too ugly. It's depressing.
Moreover - and this is a side note, because that was somewhat off-topic - how are we "better off" than other countries? For the sake of argument, I'll use Finland - the government has the lowest rate of perceived corruption in the world, and the school system (free at ALL levels, including university) is ranked as the best in the world - you can't even teach primary school without a master's. The Finnish economy is ranked as the world's most competitive by the world economic forum. I am not saying THEY are "better" (it's apples and oranges, and they do have very high rates of unemployment and very high taxes) but how are WE "better off" in any general sense? You can't say that we are. Just trying to illustrate that that's a narrow worldview and things just aren't that simple. ARE we better? Bigger, yes. More powerful, sure. Better? Hmmmm. I just don't believe this, "Well, we're not perfect, but we're still the best" approach - not just because untrue, but because it is lazy. We have puh-lenty of room for improvement, starting with being sure this great nation is effectively led - not led into quagmires with a passel of lies. Anyway, not to take away from the topic as hand, but I always curdle when I hear people say we're "better off" than people in the rest of the world, because many people I know in other countries would find that laughable. Sure, lots of people ARE easily worse off, but we're not the "best" - nobody is. So it's no excuse for not trying to be better.
~ dc
"Anyone who lives within their means suffers from a lack of imagination" - Oscar Wilde
obviously my bias shows, but it saddens me that so many people are willing to overlook this. if anything history has shown us that no great society can last forever, but imo the key to making a great society last as long as possible is having citizens who are vigilent in defense of that society. what distinguishes america from so many countries is that the mechanisms for holding leaders accountable are at our disposal. to say that i can't fix something is kind of taking the easy way out (this is not a personal attack), and can only lead to more problems, especially when lives (those of our troops) hang in the balance. yeah it's easy to hang a yellow ribbon or put a bumper sticker on your car, but we should also be willing to step it up in defense of those who put there lives at risk in order to ensure that they aren't making the ultimate sacrifice for nothing.
Thanks for posting this, dc. I am pretty lazy when it comes to following news like this, but after reading this, I realize people like me are part of the problem. I care, but not enough to waste my time investigating the issues. How selfish.
If we don't hold the White House accountable for this, what else can they get away with? I totally agree with your comments about patriotism, dc. People get confused and think the government has command of the people instead of the other way around. Defending our country has nothing to do with unconditionally backing the WH and everything to do with backing the integrity of our system. That means putting it to use.
Know first, who you are; and then adorn yourself accordingly.
This has been on my mind for sometime and now I see this. (2 months later, sorry).
This is unforgivable IMO for a president to do. We need to do something!
dc, should we create a email that ST'ers can send (to friends/family, senators, reps, officials)if they want?
Should we also post links to Senators or Reps that people can email pushing their attention to this?
I want to do something! Let me know your ideas and we can put something together. I know its a lot of work, but maybe it could prevent our fathers, brothers, boyfriends, husbands, mothers, sisters, wives from beings sent overseas to fight for a lie.