I have a big butt and small boobs...so I ordered a L since you can't order separate sizes for this bikini. The triangle cups are HUGE. It looks really funny on me. I think I could size down on the bottom but I think I'm just going to send it back for a refund. Very sad.
The quality is so-so. It's on sale for $39, I definitely wouldn't pay more than that. But I've usually paid way more for a bikini so I didn't expect the quality to be all that.
I was wondering about that bikini too. it looks super cute. is there any bit of padding in the top? sorry it didn't work out for you but thanks for posting your review!
It's really cute! I think you could get away with a size S, because the whole bikini is meant to be teeny tiny - look at it on the model - and the top should fit well to flatter.
Bean--there is SLIGHT padding that is removable. They're those little inserts that you can stick in (kinda like you can do with a bra) but the inserts are practically flat so I didn't really get the point of it. I would have just removed them but if you're looking for something to give you extra oomph in the boob department, I would go with something else.