Has anyone gotten their's twice in a month. I got mine the first time during the regualr time, and everything was normal. Today I woke up and I have it again. But Real little. Not like an actual period. But it is there. No symptoms or anything. Has this happened to anyone else?
Is it just a "spot?" I had this happen to me for the first time this week and I posted about it. Esquiress said spotting can happen when you're ovulating.
Yeah I never had this happen to me before. I am fairly consistent in my cycle. Maybe off a day or two. I am not on BC and I am not having sex. My mom said it was because of stress, I was really upset at the beginning of the week. Or what I was thinking is that I never execrise and I execrised three times in a row this week. Which maybe could set something off? I have no idea, I am just freaked something might be wrong with me.
For me it only lasted a day. I'm not on the pill either and my periods are really consistant. I know it's kind of freaky at first, than it just becomes a nuisance. Our bodies can be so mysterious.
I was just reading Cosmopolitan and they have a section regarding this topic. it says some reasons can be, 1. birth control 2. you had vigorous sex 3. STD 4. pregnant