so...what do I need to know? I've heard that I should only use one uploading source or my previously downloaded tunes will be deleted, and I've heard that if I overcharge it I will ruin the battery life. Anything else that I need to know?
Thanks ladies!
"I am tired of being your savior/ And I am tired of telling you why"- ani difranco, "Origami"
quote: Originally posted by: baglady "hubby just got me one as a gift. so...what do I need to know? I've heard that I should only use one uploading source or my previously downloaded tunes will be deleted, and I've heard that if I overcharge it I will ruin the battery life. Anything else that I need to know? Thanks ladies!"
Are you talking about using another downloading source other than iTunes? May I ask which one? I've just converted all my old music files to my iTunes library and that has worked well for me. I don't know about overcharging it. I usually plug it in when it's dead before I go to bed and unplug it when I get up in the morning. Mine has been fine.
If you have two different computers with two different libraries in iTunes and your ipod is set to update automatically (which is the default setting), then whichever computer/library you connect to second will delete whatever is already on the ipod and replace it with whatever is in the library of the second computer. However if you set up your ipod/itunes to be updated manually, you can pick and choose which songs you want downloaded from itunes each time you plug the ipod in and it won't clear out what is already on the ipod. Of course I can't remember off the top of my head where the manual option is and I don't have itunes at work but I bet if you look in the ipod manual or itunes help it will explain.
Also I know in general you are not supposed to leave things with rechargable batteries (like cell phones etc.) plugged in overnight, you are just supposed to leave it plugged in for however many hours it takes until it is fully charged. I usually plug my ipod in when I get home from work and then unplug it when I see that it is done charging.