I'm a newbie here and I wanted your advice on a handbag purchase. I want to get a very nice bag to celebrate getting into graduate school and I'm looking to spend around $900 on it. This not a normal for to spend on a bag so I'd like it to be pretty classic, but not overly traditional. So far I'm looking at Gucci bags and I'm leaning towads the reddish ( they call it coral, so it's not a true red) one below. But please let me know which one(s) you like, or if you would suggest another bag. Thanks so much!!
I like all of them so I may not be much help. But, I think the red one is very classic and can carry you for many years. The middle one is also very cute, and a little more trendy.
Have you also considered Louis Vuitton (maybe in the Epi leather?), Burberry, Ferragamo, Tod's for a classic bag that will last forever?
I like the first one the best, but that might just be because I really don't like logo's.
If you are spending that much on a bag though, I think you should wait until you find one that you really love instead of just getting one that you like. If you really love the bag, you'll carry it more and it will be classic for you but if you get something that you're not that crazy about you're still going to want new bags all the time.
Hm, none of them really feel 'special'. I myself am still a designer bag virgin, so take this with a grain of salt: If I were to pay $900 for a bag, it better be spectacular in it's own right. I would go for something like this:
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
yes, none of them made me go wow. i like LMonet's idea of the Marc Jacobs bag. I am eyeing the MJ multipocket hobo in white.
I also would maybe do a LV if you don't have one and would carry it.
Congrats on Grad School!!!
"i tell you one lesson I learned
If you want to be something in life, You ain't gonna get it unless, You give a little bit of sacrifice, Oohh, sometimes before you smile you got to cry.." -The Roots
I like the first one the best out of all the purses you picked, but I'm not sure if it's $900 worth of wow. All the girls have great suggestions though. Also, I really think Celine bags are very simple and timeless but totally awesome and luxe.