So embarrassing, I feel like I'm back in high school...but I've got a number of fairly minor bite marks that I can't seem to cover with shirts or scarves. Yesterday I wore a little blouse with a high collar and I feel like between the make-up and the shadow from the collar and my hair it wasn't noticeable but I can't wear that shirt every day nor wrap a scarf around my neck a million times in my office without looking like a nutcase. I've been sort of hiding at my desk in the back all day and avoiding close contact with people. I guess I just need to get through tomorrow and I can cross my fingers that they are gone by Monday.
In the meantime anyone have any good make-up tricks? I mean, these marks aren't giant giant hickeys but it's still obvious that I've got a few small bruises in weird spots on my neck.
Maybe I'll run to Sephora and try out some concealers.
it's so hard because you're pale as well. what about one of those airbrush makeup things? i think sally hansen makes one.. but honestly i don't think anyone will notice if you keep your hair down.
Well Ms. Fran Fine on the nanny yelled at Maggie on an episode about this and she said to use an oil-based concealer. I've never tried it but I have tried powder and that does nothing.
I'm hoping that I'm just being paranoid. They aren't that obvious but there is one sort of high up towards the front of my neck. I just feel weird because one doesn't normally get bruised on one's neck so I feel like if people do notice they will realize what it is and I just don't want coworkers seeing me in this state!
I actually found an old "emergency" bottle of foundation in my desk and it seems to be working ok.
Hey - don't feel like a dork, you had a good night... no worries - in college, we took a comb and rubbed at it really fast for about a minute to make them fade faster... (don't do this at work, though, because the whole area will be red for a little while).
green makeup disguises redness. so if you get green concealer (try estee lauder's) and then your regular skin color concealer over that that would work, but you have to blend REALLY well because if done wrong it might be darker or call more attention to it.