I guess the trick is that he truly is my best friend. I don't know, I'm no expert, we just know what works for us in our marriage and what dosen't. and believe me, we can still get into arguements, everyone should cause you grow from them.
Our odds were against us because I got pregnant at a young age and we got married when I was 5 months pregnant. in the beginning our marriage Sucked (husband took a while to grow up, ugh!) and we've been through broke times and good times. and right now is one of our bad times, speaking of money. for example....we are living paycheck to paycheck and we've been waiting for him to get paid, he hasn't, so we didn't do Anything yesterday for our anniversary. nothing. I'm some what a brat, but I'm growing and know that I should just be grareful I have an awesome husband and I'm blessed with 2 healthy awesome kids too. plus my son's bday is tomorrow and I rather spend $ towards his day than our anniversary. He just better get paid in time! lol!