Guys, do any of you have advice on how to get over my utter complete fear of speaking in front of a large group??? I have 2 presentations coming up & im seriously contemplating drinking beforehand. Think that will fly?
I am the same way, but trust me the more you do it the better it gets. There is no one way to get over the fear, everyone has it. It is natural. Just take a deep breath and keep telling yourself that you know the information. You know it and the other people do not, so if you mess up they won't know. Also pratice alot. I do this and I can basically recite my presentation w/o notecards. But you have to relax. Focus on something in the room when you talk. So when you look up you have something to focus on. Also get up in front of the room before you give your speech, so you are familar with being in thr front. Also talk to the people you are presenting to before your speech, it will make you feel more comfortable.
Hope I helped a little bit. This is what I do and it helps me alot. Good Luck!
I try to fool myself in to thinking "Oh my gosh, I can't believe I have to give this boring presentation. I am so above this." Somehow the balance of my normally manic, overeager to please self with the snotty attitude calms me down. So maybe this is helpful advice, but maybe I'm just weird ...
Forget, forgive, conclude, and be agreed. - Shakespeare
Ive tried that. bad part is, is that my voice gets all shakey. I sooo hate doing this. I actually feel sick thinking about it. Im a dork.
But, its funny b/c noone believes that Im this bad. Im really talkative usually, can talk to almost anyone-- but Im absolutlely afraid of speaking in front of ppl.
I totally feel 'ya. I was PETRIFIED of speaking publicly all through highschool. Then I started teaching dance, and basically my job was speaking publicly - the fact that it was to kids made it much easier, along with the fact that I wasn't speaking just for the sake of speaking. Anyway, poof, public speaking fears gone. Not to say that I wouldn't get nervous making a presentation, but it wouldn't be because of the speaking-in-public part. Anyway, it might be a little late for your upcoming presentations, but I find starting speaking in front of kids infinitely easier. You could also get involved in some kind of book club where you discuss your thoughts as a group. Once you start getting positive feedback it will really boost your confidence. Good luck!
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
I was never really afraid of talking in front of people until I went to law school. Of course, that probably has more to do with the complete mind f*ck they do to you, but whatever. It'll get easier every time you do it.
Until then, if you need to have a drink beforehand to calm your nerves, I think that's okay. That advice was given out in law school all the time by the judges/advisors if a person was really, really nervous. Don't overdo it or anything but if a glass of wine or a quick shot makes you feel calmer and gets you through it, go for it. Nerves are the what kills people, ya know? If you can get those under control, you'll be fine.
Oh - go for a breath mint though - wouldn't want the boss to think you're boozing it up on the job!
Oh they give that advice? Excellent! Im so hitting up a happy hour for a drink. Lets just hope i dont forget what i have to say. Thanks for the advice, but really- I've given lots of presentations here lately. They have all gotten worse than the previous. Im not getting better, im continually sucking even more horribly if thats even possible. I dont know what my problem is.
Mint is def. in order- i cant tell my group that im going to booze it up before our presentatioN!
oooo! i love giving presentations! i have to do it for my job all the time! usually i have a group of 10-50 people and it lasts about an hour and a half. the first couple of times i did it, i was SO nervous.... but now i am an old pro. once you get through the first couple of minutes, you'll be fine. also, i highly recommend practicing your presentation at home- it helped me a lot. and i still run through my presentations in my head before i go to my appt.
i don't think you need to drink btw- you'll be fine after the first few minutes.... good luck!
quote: Originally posted by: jess "Oh they give that advice? Excellent! Im so hitting up a happy hour for a drink. Lets just hope i dont forget what i have to say. Thanks for the advice, but really- I've given lots of presentations here lately. They have all gotten worse than the previous. Im not getting better, im continually sucking even more horribly if thats even possible. I dont know what my problem is. Mint is def. in order- i cant tell my group that im going to booze it up before our presentatioN! "
That advice is definitely given. It's not given to people who are just ordinarily nervous but the ones that seriously freak out and get so nervous that it hinders their performance. Just one, though. Don't go crazy. Just enough to calm you down a bit. (I suggest vodka because it's easier to hide - not that I know this! )
quote: Originally posted by: jess "Ive tried that. bad part is, is that my voice gets all shakey. I sooo hate doing this. I actually feel sick thinking about it. Im a dork. But, its funny b/c noone believes that Im this bad. Im really talkative usually, can talk to almost anyone-- but Im absolutlely afraid of speaking in front of ppl."
believe me I'm the same way, my voice gets so shaky that it sounds like I'm going to start crying. I have a presentation coming up in late May for my interior design class and I'm already stressing. I have horrible back pain from all of the stress that I'm putting on myself. Wish I had some suggestions for you but I can only tell you that you're not alone in feeling this way.
you could practice in front of a friend or the mirror. I also practice presentations in the car while driving to work. I give a lot of presentations and really knowing the material makes it go much better.
good luck!!
There are many languages, but laughter sounds the same in every one.
I have a very, very dorky solution to this. I used to be the same way speaking in front of groups - my voice would sometimes just peter right out, I would turn red, shake, sweat etc., it was awful. I am also generally talkative and social so no one could understand (and even I couldn't really) why presentations were so terrible. Anyway, the dorky solution is: Toastmasters. It's this group that teaches you how to speak in public. You go to meetings and they throw you up in front of the group and say "talk about apples for 120 seconds". It is traumatizing but it is not as bad because most of the people there are in your boat and no one will make fun of you or think you're crazy for having a shaky voice etc. And eventually, it gets easier. It really does get easier the more you do it, and it is a much more comforting environment than a classroom, everyone is sympathetic and the instructors give you really helpful, practical advice on getting better. There are groups in most places so check it out...!
Oh, and one of my top 3 reasons for not going ahead with law school apps was fear of doing the moot court thing. That's how terrified I was.
Damn i wish i knew about this like a month ago. Speaking of dorky, i printed out their 10 tips for succesful public speaking. Im with you Mia, Im usually extremely social & no one believes just how much i suck until they've seen me. Another sad part is that this presentation doesnt even have to be very long (7-8 mins) and Im up there with 2 other people. Really, i have like 3 lines or so... But those 3 lines actually seem like a lot to me. I had another dream last night that the wine I was trying to consume beforehand wasnt relaxing me. :|
So, i took my trusty flask (that I got for Christmas last year--which i still dont know what to think of that...) filled with vodka & stopped at the store & got some sprite. I started sipping down my drink at about 4:00ish, the presentation was supposed to start around 5:30-6. I had a buzz i tell you! I was actually feeling kind of brave, until i got into the classroom and sat down. My heart was racing & by the time i was standing up there, I was SOBER. Serious buzz kill. My part was so pathetic & short, I laughed about it later. One good thing was, my voice didnt get all shakey. I think its b/c i was concentrating on breathing, which i noticed that i had stopped doing once i stood up there. Either way, Toastmasters here i come!! :\
quote: Originally posted by: jess "So, i took my trusty flask (that I got for Christmas last year--which i still dont know what to think of that...) filled with vodka & stopped at the store & got some sprite. I started sipping down my drink at about 4:00ish, the presentation was supposed to start around 5:30-6. I had a buzz i tell you! I was actually feeling kind of brave, until i got into the classroom and sat down. My heart was racing & by the time i was standing up there, I was SOBER. Serious buzz kill. My part was so pathetic & short, I laughed about it later. One good thing was, my voice didnt get all shakey. I think its b/c i was concentrating on breathing, which i noticed that i had stopped doing once i stood up there. Either way, Toastmasters here i come!! :\ "
Jess, you crack me up!!! I'm glad it ended up going... at least not badly. And I think breathing is an especially good thing to work on doing. Always helps. And now you know how to sober up really quickly if need be, right?
I HATE giving presentations. What I've found works for me- make sure you really know your material. Know it inside and out, that way when you go up there its like you're talking to friends about it. You're comfortable, confident and you know it like the back of your hand. That will also help you from blacking out and going blank. You'll be such a pro at it that you'll be so geeked to talk about it that you'll breeze right through it.
“Three grand essentials to happiness in this life are…something to do, something to love, and something to hope for.”
- Author Unknown-