I just discovered that I have access to this and I need to find 5 WSJ articles from the past month. Can I do this on here? How do I search for the article if its possible?
Lexis actually just added a database that contains the WSJ so you are in luck!
valenciana is right though, you need to describe what the home screen looks like because there are different versions of Lexis. Does it look the way the lexis.com homepage looks?
hmm. well it is through my school's website and its called lexis nexis academic and I have to sign in there. There is a link to it on the lexisnexis.com site.
i should really probably just let cc take over, as there's no doubt she knows it better than me...but here is what the home screen looks like for me, crappy screenshot resolution, but you get the idea (i primarily have access to LexisNexis Academic too). does this look similar?
yeah that's what my screen looks like too and every time I put the article headline in it comes back with no results. Makes me think that maybe WSJ isn't included in the academic area.
i did a little test search and came up with 532 articles from the WSJ with "taxes" in the headline or lead paragraph. but i used the guided news search. i hate quick searches...not enough control. it's the other little tab in the search box.
here's another screenshot of what it looks like and you can see that i chose "General News" (because i didn't know exactly what you wanted, but there are other choices, like "Business News," which WSJ probably is anyway), and "Major Papers" under the news source. then you can enter some info for Headline, Author, whatever, as you can see in the pulldown menu i opened. i put in "taxes" and chose the default "Headline, Lead Paragraph, Terms" and then i ALSO put "wall street journal" as the publication title. then clicked search!
cc...PLEASE correct me if i'm leading her astray...i rarely use Lexis, just going on general searching skills here...
also, i should add that although like cc said, they should have WSJ available, i might be getting access to it through my university's subscriptions and stuff...so me finding things is not necessarily a guarantee that you will.
I haven't used the academic version of Lexis since college so I don't remember it very well. On the regular version of Lexis, the WSJ isn't included in the normal "General News," "Major Papers," etc. files due to weird contract restrictions. So when I need to get an article from the WSJ I usually just search for the Wall Street Journal as a source (there is a link to a type of search called "Find a Source" on my version. Is there a way to get a list of publications anywhere on your version?
I guess it's also possible that the WSJ isn't part of the academic package.
lsu, if you can't find them I can try to get them for you later. I'm actually still at home but I'll be in the office later.
Thanks for the offer cc. For some strange reason we still have the dates I need at work. Usually we throw them away after 2 weeks. I'm not going to complain.
Lexis Nexus only has WSJ Abstracts - if you go to "Sources" at the top right of the page it will show you all of the sources available via Lexis Nexus.
My University subscribes to WSJ online via Proquest. Perhaps yours does as well? Also you can check if your university has microfilm for the WSJ.
Hmm Lexis did only used to have WSJ abstracts but they recently aquired the Factiva Database which is part of Dow Jones so full text of the WSJ was available as of April 1st but maybe this deal doesn't extend to the academic version.