Excuse my French, but holy-camoli, I have at least 16 gray hairs (and surely more hidden by my highlights) in a patch I just saw today at the front of my head by my hair line. I am really, really upset. I mean I cried. I can't believe I am only 27 and going grey.
I talked to my SO and he assures me EVERYONE starts going grey in their late twenties. If -and only if- this is true then I will be ok with it, otherwise, I guess I am just getting old early.
Anyone have grey, and if so when did it start? I'm not talking one grey hair. I found my first stray-gray years ago. I am talking about a patch of grey here.
AAAHHHH I was just thinking of posting this. But I'm only 24 (almost), and I just find stray ones. I guess that's normal, but my hair is dark and I am NOT excited about it.
Know first, who you are; and then adorn yourself accordingly.
Yeah... I've been getting gray hairs since I was 16!!!!
I think it's hereditary because my mom and grandmother were the same way. It's not that bad yet... just random strays but my hair is naturally really dark brown so the gray is pretty obvious. Despite the old wives tale, I just pluck them out. I will be like all the other women in my family though, and NEVER let my gray show.
At sixteen. And now I'm 37, so there are plenty of grays there. At least your hair is light, Drew, so they won't really show much - I am definitely a natural brunette and the gray-coloring upkeep is a PITA at this point. :(
"Good taste shouldn't have to cost anything extra." - Mickey Drexler
Seriously...my mom has been plucking gray strands from my head since I was 11. I think they're stress-induced or something...I guess they're only strands but it sucks because my hair is naturally jet jet black.
I found my first grey hair when I was 23. My mom plucked it out I am 28 now and I have too many of them. I love my long dark hair and seing the grey is very upsetting - but I am not going to dye it just yet. It is totally genetic though.
I don't think I have a single grey hair in my head. My parents are both 53 and they're just now greying around their temples. I think it's more genetics than anything, because my parents are both worry warts and they should be completely grey by now.
"Life is much too serious to take seriously"- Nikki Giovanni
Hee, hee, hee. Misery loves company. I am feeling much better today. As SO also pointed out I have 16 grey hairs amond a head of thousands upon thousands of hairs. I guess I freaked out a bit.
At least I can console myself because as you all pointed out blonde hair hides it better than darker hair. At least we all have hair dye anyway.
quote: Originally posted by: bliss "I don't think I have a single grey hair in my head. My parents are both 53 and they're just now greying around their temples. I think it's more genetics than anything, because my parents are both worry warts and they should be completely grey by now."
Ditto here. My mom is fifty and she still has no grey at all. My dad is 57 (or 58) and he is only grey around the temples. I definitely think it's all in the genes.
I discovered my first grey hair at 25. Luckily no new ones have popped up yet and after I pluck it, it takes more than a year for it to visibly re-emerge.
A year ago (I'm now 24)but it's in the genes in my dad. I have been getting my hair colored a color called "cherry cola" for the past 5 yrs so you really can't see them.But I wouldn't care anyhow.I would be more paranoid about getting wrinkles.But in that case the women in my family don't wrinkle my great grandma is 90 and I know women 40 who like they should be 90! So I guess I'll take grays over a saggy face!