Any weekend nonshoppers? I was studying for 3 tests so I didn't have the time to buy anything besides 2 peppermint mocha frappiccino lights from Starbucks and a piece of crumbleberry cake. I also had to pay my damn Discover Card bill Thursday. That sucked!!!
I might treat myself to some new undies from VS though Tuesday after my last test of the week or some new shoes to go with a dress I have to wear on Sat.
I am here! I was very good, just groceries. Besides, I had to get ready to leave for 2 days (for work). Now I have a 1 hour break, and I am fighting not to fall asleep (we had to leave at 5:30!!!).
I think I'll have to wait for my tax return to do some shopping... I really want to work on paying off my cc.
ok. i went to nordstroms, anthro, coach, express and BOUGHT NOTHING! nothing! i was good good good... although i am contemplating putting myself on the wait list for the Coach Samantha white sunglasses...
oh! i forgot- i did buy a pink blazer from AE, but it was on sale for $30 and i couldn't pass it up! it was too cute!
I amnot on a shopping ban...but I did not buy anything this weekend...I was home on the couch most of the weekend with a sinus infection.....not sure if that counts