Okay so I'm not doing this yet but I had a question. Not sure if it's a stupid one or not! I know the workout is supposed to be done daily but I have read and heard that it's not good to exercise the same muscles intensely every day because they need a recovery period? Or is this mainly cardio? Also I guess there are no "rest days" officially - is that correct?
I think it depends on what you're using it for, how you feel after you've done it, and how fit you are when you begin. I had to do every other day for the first 3 or 4 workouts because I was so out of shape and the soreness was unbearable. Now, I feel fine the next day, and would have no problem doing the workout for 2 days consecutively.
I think it would be most important to listen to your body. There's pushing yourself, and then there's going overboard. Since I don't believe that any of us is exercising for a shot at a million bucks, I don't think a rest day in between workouts is going to be terribly detrimental!
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
Thanks! I aways get a bit confused when I get really sore with workouts whether I am actually hurting myself or not. But from what I have read here and my current fitness level I am pretty sure I will be having to take some rest days anyway.
Elle- it's great that it only took that many workouts until you felt like you could do it every day!