So I went to Bed Bath and Beyond, and I came across this:
Antimicrobial Zippered Mattress Cover
Mattress cover is treated with Ultra Fresh™ in order to inhibit the growth of odor causing bacteria, fungi, mold and mildew creating a more comfortable sleeping atmosphere. 100% cotton cover has a rustproof nylon zipper and fits mattresses and box springs up to 9" deep. Twin measures ..
My question, lately I have been getting a rash on my legs and I always have to scratch my legs. This only happens everytime I go into bed, so I know something on the bed is causing this reaction. I wash my sheets every 4 days, I have tried using different sheets, bought a new bed cover, but I still get that itchy rash. Do you think this protector will work, or what is the point of this proctector?
Interesting. I have no idea about the matress protector, but it sounds like a good idea. Do you get a rash that you can actually see?
Since January, I have had the worst itchy legs and they seemed to get worse when I got in the bed. I would scratch and scratch and would have kept scratching until they bled if I'd let myself. I did some sleuthing online and some people were attributing itch to perfumed soaps, etc. but it was just my legs that itched and of course I used soap everywhere else. Then I figured I'd try shaving with Aveeno unscented shaving cream (I usually use that for underarms and soap for legs). Well, it took about a week and now I am pretty much itch-free. I am still not sure if it was the soap or something else that the shaving cream counteracts, but if the mattress cover doesn't work, maybe you could try it???
I hope they get better, I know that itch makes you miserable. . .
Know first, who you are; and then adorn yourself accordingly.
My lower legs get incredibly itchy in the winter. I have the scars from a life time of scratching to prove it. So maybe the itch will subside as the weather gets warmer. Also how old is your mattress?? I have read that mattresses collect alot of dead skin cells , etc , gross, I know,. but maybe somehow giving the mattress a deep cleaning would work. Maybe with a carpet cleaner ?? Would that work? Am I a complete moron for suggesting this? It is just coming to me as I type that of course you would need to clean your mattress at some point. Wow. I have friends who spray their mattresses with Lysol, particularily if they have had the flu, etc. I dont know how I feel about this.
quote: Originally posted by: sage "I have read that mattresses collect alot of dead skin cells , etc , gross, I know,. but maybe somehow giving the mattress a deep cleaning would work. Maybe with a carpet cleaner ??"
I really think that vacuum-cleaning the mattress every now and then should be enough. Spraying it with Lysol sounds pretty gross to me...
It's probably much more likely that all the chemical build-up causes rash - just like remnants of laundry detergent in the clothes sometimes do - rather than dead skin cells or dust mites.
I have also been wanting to try Aveeno products. I have super sensitive skin so when I get things such as a rash, my mind will start racing and think of crazy things like there are bugs in my bed, crazy stuff like that, when I know my room is super clean.
quote: Originally posted by: ladysi78250 "I have also been wanting to try Aveeno products. I have super sensitive skin "
I think that's a good idea! Sounds to me like the rash might be caused by some chemicals you use - either that or your skin may just be too dry.
I've read a recommendation somewhere that the sheets should be washed every two weeks plus you can just air them out once a week. So if anything, you may be washing them too often! Laundry detergents really can build up and irritate your skin.
I have that mattress protector because I have crazy allergy issues. It's supposed to be no dust mites or other allergens come in contact with your mattress. If you think about all the junk that can become imbedded in your mattress over time, it's pretty gross. Anyway, I get the itchy leg syndrome in the winter time, attributed to dry skin and detergents. If you can, give this body wash a try. My legs have been sooo much better since using it.