In regards to my post about my debt problem, I'm looking for a good credit card to transfer my high balances to. I know I qualify for Plantium, and I am looking for one w/0% interest for a year, and a low APR after that. Need the 0% on balance transfers and purchases.
Can anyone recommend a good credit card or a good company to check out? Any to stay away from? Any websites would be helpful too.
I don't know much about credit cards because I only have a Discover platinum but it works well for me and I haven't had any problems with it. I just started earning cash back on it so that's always good (only like 1% but I'm up to $24 with it). They have good customer support when you are disputing charges and will help you get it straight. My minimum payments are $10/mo but I don't usually have a balance over $400 on it so not sure if that is a factor.
yep, i agree, is the place to check out. however i might add, usually it's pretty tough to find a card that offers 0% on balance trans. AND purchases. what i do is have my balance transfer on one card & have another card w/ low APR on purchases for regular spending. good luck & check out & the debt support group on, i've learned a lot there & gotten tons of tips!!