Ok- I've been dating my bf on and off for about 2.5 years (off, maybe 5 months). I love him a lot, though we are young and scared at times, and neither of us is really the type to crowd the other person. We graduate this May, and his lease is up June 1st. He's moving to Brooklyn, NY. He's wanted to live there for years. My lease is up August 15th. I'm undecided of where I move. I would love to live in NYC, it's only four hours away, and I would love to be a fashion designer and maybe go to FIT for a two year program on shoe design. Or maybe use my business degree and get a job in a buyers office. Or simply working meaningless jobs and touring with my bf's band and living the ultimate boho lifestyle until reality catches up with me. But I don't want to simply follow him there, even though we have been dating for a long time. We haven't really talked about it, I usually start crying and he spends the time telling me it'll be okay and comforting me. I'm just scared about if things don't work out...I know a few people there but not my closest friends. Plus, he's moving down there with a few of his close friends. What if he meets a girl over the summer while I'm gone?? Plus what if I can't afford it??? I'm scared! I have about $25,000 saved up, but I don't want to blow it all on a years worth of rent! I would like to make my money grow, and not have to dip into it. So therefore, I would like some sort of job when I get there. At least to cover rent, food, and some spending money. So I guess my questions are:
1) How hard is it make friends/meet people in NYC?
2) Will my bf forget about me over the summer?
3) How expensive is a nice place in Brooklyn? A nice place in Manhattan (Chelsea region probably- not supernice- but decent and not closet sized)? Perks to either? I don't want to live beyond my means!
1. It is not hard at all to meet friends in NYC. I moved here about 5 years ago, and did not know a soul! Now, it's hard to keep up with all the going out and hanging out with friends. Some people I met through work, but most people I know here I met through extracurricular activities, like volleyball league and pool league (yes, I know I am a dork).
2. Can't answer that one. Sorry.
3. Chelsea - a nice one bedroom would go for around $2,500. Brooklyn - $1500.
4. I think NY is one of the easiest places to find a job, IMO. With so many restaurants, bars, lounges, etc... you're bound to find something. And if you already have a degree, then it gives you even more options.
6. New York is not for everyone, but from what I read on your post, NYC sounds like your destination.
i moved to chicago after i had dated my bf long distance for 3 years. he knows that i didn't move here for him per se, but it was pretty clear that he was a big reason (i was also moving closer to my family, my brother lives here, and it's a fun city). anyways, i say you have a lot of money saved up which is great. a lot of people move to NYC with a lot less money saved up. as for meeting people, i have a "real" career, but i decided to keep working my old retail job in college two days a week when i moved to chicago because i was kinda gauranteed "instant" friends (all the girls in retail are pretty much my age). and it worked out great. i also joined a running club so i have met a lot of people that way too. i think that you should start looking for a job early. most people hire for sept in april/may from my experience. you'll be fine. i think that stepping out of your comfort zone will make you a much stronger and independent person than you already are. you'll realize that if you can make life work in NYC you can do anything!!! (ok, maybe that's a bit of an exaggeration, but you'll gain a ton of confidence). good luck. and don't worry about your bf. if he's worth it, he will wait for you.
"i tell you one lesson I learned
If you want to be something in life, You ain't gonna get it unless, You give a little bit of sacrifice, Oohh, sometimes before you smile you got to cry.." -The Roots
I would love to help you out on this one but I've never lived in NYC. However, I've visited quite a few times and have friends who live there, so I'll insert where I can.
1. Friends - No problem at all. Everytime I go (usually for a weekend or so), I meet new people. There are so many things to do and people to meet that I don't think you'll have a proplem.
2. God I hope not! What kind of relationship would it be if he would forget about you in 1.5 months? Don't worry so much. If y'all are together, y'all are together. If I were you, I'd discuss my fears with him (not in a scary, desperate girlfriend way but in a rationale, where do we go from here kind of way). I'm sure he'll be receptive to anything other than the crying, don't you think?
3. No clue. My friend who I stay with lived near Columbus Circle (midtown) and her place was $2600-3000 (I forget which) a month for a 600 square foot apt., but it was pretty nice with a doorman, etc.
4. Don't know.
5. I would if I lived there!
6. Better sooner than later, don't you think? People never know what the hell they're doing when they get out of college. I think it's a great idea to spend a few years in a place like NYC while you get yourself together. Why not? It's an amazing place with a lot of opportunities for anything you can imagine.
1. it's not hard to make friends, it may not be instantaneous, but you definitely will. plus you already have the nyc area stylethreaders, so you're not completely alone.
2. can't really answer but i don't think so.
3. price depends on what you're looking for. joina's numbers are accurate but she's giving you the prices for living on your own. i would probably budget $1200, that will get you a (really) nice share in either of those areas, or a small place of your own (well not in chelsea, but you could get one on the upper east side). it's kind of easy to get overwhelmed b/c brooklyn and manhattan (well parts of each) are pretty much the most desired areas and looking for an apt. can be really stressful however we are always here to help you.
4.it's not that hard to find a job. i'm not exactly sure what the job market is like but there are lots of options out there.
5. i love it! i have absolutely no regrets about my decision to live here.
6. YES! now is pretty much the best time in your life to do something like this. as you get older you get bogged down with all these stupid responsibilities that make it hard to pursue the things you really want to do. so you might as well take risks now while you can.