My boss is crazy!!! I'm still at home sick with the this awful virus. I can't keep anything down and I'm completely dehydrated and weak. I called her and she told me that "work comes before anything and that I have to be there no matter how I feel." This woman is nuts!!!
I'm so upset. She's also told me that my job should come before anything in my life and that I shouldn't plan anything that would interfere with my job. I missed my bf's grandfather's 80's birthday party, as well as my anniversary with my bf b/c of this woman forcing me to work. She actually expects me to work 50+ hours a week. I can't handle this anymore. My life comes before my job, no matter what, not the other way around. My job is not my life and she actually told me that it should be and that it should always come first.
I'm hysterically crying right now b/c there is no way that I can get into work today. I can't even get out of bed without puking. Am I wrong or is this woman nuts???
I got the same virus, and was weak for a week. But I thought that I had to go to work, so I went after 3 days. This way, I got a cold, followed by a bad case of sinus. I am feeling better now, 2 weeks later.
I know your boss sounds like a nasty b****, but can you try to explain her that if you go today, you are likely to have complications and need to stay home for longer? Aside from the fact that you could pass the virus to your coworkers (although I think the idea of infecting her doesn't sound bad to you...). I can't think any better suggestions, sorry.
I feel your pain. It's difficoult to stop crying when you are so weak...
quote: Originally posted by: ico "{{{{hugs}}}} I got the same virus, and was weak for a week. But I thought that I had to go to work, so I went after 3 days. This way, I got a cold, followed by a bad case of sinus. I am feeling better now, 2 weeks later. I know your boss sounds like a nasty b****, but can you try to explain her that if you go today, you are likely to have complications and need to stay home for longer? Aside from the fact that you could pass the virus to your coworkers (although I think the idea of infecting her doesn't sound bad to you...). I can't think any better suggestions, sorry. I feel your pain. It's difficoult to stop crying when you are so weak... Please, stay strong"
Thanks, ico. I haven't missed any work yet b/c of this and I can't believe that she is behaving like this. And I can't believe her attitude in general of "your job should come before anything in your life, even people and relationships." She got divorced b/c of her job (and openly admits this). There is no way that this is going to happen to me. I'm all for hard work, but my job will never come before the people in my life. I have to find another job before I go crazy. I hate this job, it's crappy and I don't feel like making myself sicker over it.
She's a power hungry bitch who just wants to make you do something you don't wan tto do. Two options:
Get up, go for a couple hours, cough on everything she'll have to touch. And play it up!!! If possible, puke in your trashcan at work. You will be the office hero. Someone will eventually make you go home. It'll suck, but the vibes will last for years. And she'll look like a bitch, people will grumble, and upper management often doesn't like that sort of thing (lawsuits, what if you have avian flu or something).
Or, if you dont' want to go, just don't go and start looking for another job. She's just going to "Tsk tsk" you to death over everything you do or say anyway....
BTW - you're never going to win this fight with her. She's found something you dont' feel like you can yield on and she's just going to keep pushing. If you pretend to give in, she'll give up and move on to something else that will drive you crazy. If you need time off for something in your personal life, just take it anyway you can. And meanwhile make a big deal about how right she is and how you look at her like a mentor. Should creep her the hell out, but she won't know what to say.
I once went into work as a waitress the day before a big trip to England even though I was sick as a dog and puking. The manager on that day accused me of lying so I could take off early for my trip. I went into work, gave all my tables away (it was dead, for goodness sake!), and lyed down in the coat room on someones coat. They let me go home after three hours and I never forgot how horrible they were to me or how horrible I felt that day. I think I can sympathize with what you are going through and all I can say is there is no easy way out.
Sometimes you can't just quit (hello, bills!) and you can't refuse management either. I don't know how refusing to come in will affect your job or relationship with that lady so I would certainly consider that long and hard before refusing to go in. If your job is on the line I would recommend going in and doing the absolute best you can do. At least that way there will be no doubt as to your character, and leave wonder about hers.
Good luck, sweetie, and I hope you feel better soon.
i agree that you should go and just puke on everything in sight. don't put on any makeup at all and just play the quietly suffering martyr.
a looong time ago when i worked at the limited, my bf broke up with me an hour before i had to go to work. i was a complete mess. and, being so young and naive, actually called them to explain the situation hoping they'd understand. nope. so i showed up and was miserable but at least i didn't get fired.
quote: Originally posted by: lsubatgirl "go and puke behind the counter while checking out some customers and see what she does. "
I would love to do this. Unfortunately, she wouldn't have the pleasure of seeing it b/c she works out of Florida. I'm the boss in my area and I'm actually doing some bullsh*t training this week that is complete crap.
My boss is just a controlling bitch and I can't work there anymore. I'm online looking for jobs right now. I think I'm going to put my 2 weeks in and get a job as a server or something in the interim. I can't do this anymore.
i have different advice. i don't think you should go to work. i don't even think you should consider going to work. you should stay in bed and rest until you get better.
imo the manager knows that you're hard working and dedicated and she's trying to use that to her advantage. it is insane for her to expect you to got to work in your condition (and i also think it's unsafe for you to have to drive to & from work by yourself when you're that sick.) i know that you can't just up & quit, but i honestly don't think she's going to fire you either.
when i worked in retail they once told me i had to come in on christmas eve (it was also a sunday). and i told my boss no, and explained to her that i don't work on sundays, never had, never would. she tried to say i had to b/c it was christmas and threatened to fire me. i told her no, and that she couldn't b/c the law was on my side (which is was, and i'm sure the law is on your side too). long story short -- i didn't go in and i didn't get fired. she just thought that she could manipulate me b/c i was young.
anway i really don't think you should torture yourself by going to work. if you're super concerned call your md and get some sort of note from her/him saying you can't go.
Don't go. Screw her. You're sick and need to rest. That's all there is to it. If she throws a fit, put your foot down. Tell her you're ill and if she has anything else to say she can do so through human resources or take some action on your job. If she were to fire you over it then 1) you'd get unemployment, and 2) you could sue her ass.
Don't give it another moment's thought. Your job is not more important than your health, even if it's just a stomach virus or something like that.
Does your boss have a boss? Or is there an HR department? If so, I'd make a record of her conversations with you today, the details of your illness, and pass it on to them. Let them know what kind of work environment she is creating for you (and potentially other employees). Start making a list of all the comments she makes and things she makes you do that aren't within reason. Pass the information on to someone who will care, esp. if that person is her boss.
You have just as much right to a happy work environment as anyone else and you have just as much right to your job as she does. Stay strong! (And by stay strong I mean report her sorry ass!)
quote: Originally posted by: honey "i have different advice. i don't think you should go to work. i don't even think you should consider going to work. you should stay in bed and rest until you get better. imo the manager knows that you're hard working and dedicated and she's trying to use that to her advantage. it is insane for her to expect you to come in and your condition (and i also think it's unsafe for you to have to drive to & from work by yourself when you're that sick.) i know that you can't just up & quit, but i honestly don't think she's going to fire you either. when i worked in retail they once told me i had to come in on christmas eve (it was also a sunday). and i told my boss no, and explained to her that i don't work on sundays, never had, never would. she tried to say i had to b/c it was christmas and threatened to fire me. i told her no, and that she couldn't b/c the law was on my side (which is was, and i'm sure the law is on your side too). long story short -- i didn't go in and i didn't get fired. she just thought that she could manipulate me b/c i was young. anway i really don't think you should torture yourself by going to work. if you're super concerned call your md and get some sort of note from her/him saying you can't go. eta: (hugs) and i hope you feel better soon.-- Edited by honey at 11:41, 2005-04-05"
honey, I'm not going to work b/c she wouldn't see me there anyway and it wouldn't benefit anyone. I know that there is no way that she can fire me for this (unless she wants a lawsuit on her hands). She told me that I have to go to the doctor and get a note (which is against company policy--notes can only be asked for after 3 days of absence and even then, they aren't required). Besides, there is nothing a doctor can do for a stomach virus. My mom works in a hospital and doctor's office and she said that there is something going around right now that lasts 3-5 days and the only thing to do is to stay in bed and eat bland foods (if possible) and drink gatorade or flat ginger ale. The doctor won't be able to give me a magic pill to make it all better.
Yea- i def. think you should look into another job. I work as an intern at a recruiting firm for retail managers (yes, I'm the annoying person asking if you know anyone interested in a job) and we are always looking for people that are pissed off with where they work. I kinda don't like it because people are usually rude to me- but i'm just an intern- give me a break! If you are interested- there are asst. management openings in the exton and springfield, pa area with a national company (PM if you want details.)
quote: Originally posted by: lynnie "Yea- i def. think you should look into another job. I work as an intern at a recruiting firm for retail managers (yes, I'm the annoying person asking if you know anyone interested in a job) and we are always looking for people that are pissed off with where they work. I kinda don't like it because people are usually rude to me- but i'm just an intern- give me a break! If you are interested- there are asst. management openings in the exton and springfield, pa area with a national company (PM if you want details.)"
Thanks, lynnie...I'm well above the asst. level at this point and I really hate retail in general and want to get out of it and into something related more closely to what I went to college for. Thanks so much for offering to help, though! I appreciate your thoughtfulness.
yea I understand totally- I have worked in retail myself. Well if you know anyone else that hates their job! We have store manager openings sometimes too.
quote: Originally posted by: lynnie "yea I understand totally- I have worked in retail myself. Well if you know anyone else that hates their job! We have store manager openings sometimes too. "
Hehe...most people I know who work in retail hate their jobs. I could give you a looooong list.
Your boss doesn't work in the same office? Oh my god, that's so fabulous! In that case, just agree with everything she says and do whatever you want. She might be motivated enough to check and see if you did what she said, but whatever. If you get caught, just keep agreeing. Actually, I should have advised this course in the first place, now that I think about it... It sounded like she was going to fire you if you didn't do what she wanted, though, so I was cautious. Honey's advice sounds good too, although there is still the problem of facing down someone who might be crazy enough to do you in. Irrational people can be really something. Good luck!
WAIT - Have you already argued with her? If so, DO NOT follow the above advice, and don't not go in or otherwise continue the fight... Very dangerous... Not doing what they want only works if they're not worked up about it yet. Key, key, key point...
i would not go to work and try to get fired - at least you can collect unemployment while you look for work elsewhere. that is bullshit! (((((((HUGS))))))))