I wanted to let you all know that the Gap Inc Give and Get Sale is coming up in March. If you would like to receive an email invitation for this event please send me a PM with your name, home address, and preferred email address no later than March 2 and I will put you on my friends and family list.
For those of you who are not familiar with the Gap Inc Give and Get promotion here is how it works: you will get an unlimited 30% off coupon that you can use for three days at Banana Republic, Old Navy, and Gap. You are also able to pick from 5 great charities that benefit from your purchases; Gap Inc. will donate a percentage of all of your purchases to the charity of your choice. The event this past fall generated over 10 million dollars for the charities!!
"Whatever you are, be a good one." --Abraham Lincoln
Hi All, Just wanted to give you a quick update: as long as you sent me your name, email, and home address I was able to add you to my list. There were a few who left some of things off their PMs so I was unable to add them. Unfortunately I found out that my list had to be in tonight and not tomorrow so I couldn't wait.
I hope you all enjoy your coupons!
"Whatever you are, be a good one." --Abraham Lincoln