I used to make California rolls all the time when we lived overseas, but was afraid to try raw fish at home ( I don't order Cali rolls when we're out). I finally tried my hand at Spicy Tuna rolls, and they turned out awesome! The girls ate their Cali rolls and my husband and I stuffed our face on spicy tuna. We figured out the cost and I think our whole meal was less than $8. Pretty good for a family of 4! No subsitute for the occasional sushi bar night out (our family fave), but a pretty good replacement.
ooo! I bought BF a sushi kit for his birthday and we have yet to use it, we're thinking of busting it out this weekend. Neither of us have ever made sushi before. He knows of some store he trusts to eat their fish raw...but other than making sure quality is OK, do you have any tips?
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
I've been rolling sushi for a year or two and can offer a few tips...
Once your rice is done, spread it out to cool, and use it when it is just done cooling, don't wait to long. I feel like the moisture in the rice is right at this point and makes it go together better.
It will take a few trys to know exactly how far to fil the wrapper with rice, I generally go about 2/3 or a little shy. Once you've wrapped the seaweed over once and are about to continue, squeeze it firm, finish rolling and once you've sealed it with the water, hold it for a minute before unrolling and trasfering to a plate/cutting board. I roll all the rolls I'm making then slice them all at the end.
Slice with a super sharp knife and dip in water inbetween to keep from sticking.
Oh, and wet your hand before spreading the rice too, it will keep it from sticking to your hand.
Also, the kind of sushi mat you have can make a difference. My mom's sushi mat sucks, so when she wants to have the fam over for sushi I take mine over (and end up rolling it all). Her mat looks like slightly oversized skewer sticks, while mine is more like reeds, or chop sticks slices inhalf. The are flat on one side and slightly rounded on the other.