Tara - I just read your response to my post (I want these and I can't get them) - I am a size 8!! If you don't want the shoes from BR, I'd be willing to buy them. Let me know.
Hey Shopchicago!!! Let me try on the wedges one more time tonight. If they are still painful, I will DEFINITELY sale them to you. Btw, in the meantime, you should try calling BR and asking them to locate the shoes for you in store. When I called the BR 800 number they said they were sold out of a size 8. I asked the woman to check stores for me, and she was able to locate them!
Tara - defintely let me know! When you called the 800 # and she located them in-store for you, did you call that store and they shipped them to you, or how did that work?
The BR 800 # operator was able to just transfer me to the store that had the shoes. The store was in NY, and I am in CA. So the manager just figured out the shipping (I think it was ~ $5 something) and the tax for my state. It took about 1 full week for me to receive the shoes.
I was persistent on the phone - when she initially told me they were not taking any more orders for my shoes, I asked if she could locate a store that had my shoes. HTH, and let me know how it goes....