I'm Taurus May 7th- i found my "shopping profile" according to the stars & cut it out once upon a time so thought I'd share it with the rest of the bulls out there:
Shopping profile: GREEDY. You keep buying long after you have enough. Still, you smack your lips at good value - like shopping online for discounts.
Most likely to buy: Gourmet food, top-quality classic clothes, cosmetics and luxurious bath oils, diamonds and rubies - set in gold, of course.
Astro-shopping advice: Go on a shopping "fast" and don't buy anything for a month. Make a list of what you really need in life. If it's all money-related it's time to re-assess your priorities.
HMMMMMMM......a shopping fast sounds like a good idea, but not likely!!!
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
I didn't not know that indecisiveness was a trait of Geminis. That explains my sister. She can drive me nuts going on and on for days on end about the any decision.