So on Jan. 6 I went in for a pap smear and explained to the N.P. that ever since I had Mimi, I've had super heavy periods and horrible abdominal pain that comes and goes. She sent me in to have a pelvic ultrasound done. It showed my uterine fibroid, that I've had for years, has grown to about 2" as well as some ovarian cysts that were showing some echoing (whatever that means). I go back to see the N.P. on Jan. 19 to talk some more. She had me schedule an appt. with the doctor to do a uterine biopsy on Feb 6. Oh, and I guess she said that it also showed thickening of the endometrium.
Has anyone ever had this done before? I'm so anxious and have read that it's going to hurt. I have such a low tolerance for pain. Any words of advice?