I honored most of mine, except the expensive bag - I don't know why, but I can't bring myself to buy the LV I want, even though I know I would use it forever.
Ok, on to 2009!
- Dress up more on the weekends, instead of my jeans/tee/sneaks uniform
- Try to find a jeans alternative. Why can't other pants look and wear as denim??? Maybe I just need jeans with a super dark wash or in grey.
- Restock my basics. I need a new black skirt and black pants, but I find shopping for basics so boring.
- Pull some of my lesser-worn items to the front of the closet. I only keep what I like, but if it's out of sight, then it's out of mind and I forget I have it!
- Plan better - I am always scrambling for an outfit at the last minute, or trying to make a hair cut/brow wax/manicure appt after the point of true desperation.
It looks like I did really well with mine, actually! The only one I would consider myself failed on is that I didn't get my nails done even *once* this year. But I *did* buy myself quite a few polishes and painted my own nails a lot more than ever before, so I didn't totally fail. And although I did buy some more expensive shoes, I don't think I'll keep that up. Somehow my expensive shoes always got worn/scuffed more quickly than my cheapies, and it hurt so much more to see my nice shoes getting ruined. So now I'm not going to feel bad about making a beeline for Target all the time
For 2009: -wear heels more. I want to start with the goal of at least one weekend night and one week day (but preferably more!). The weekend one won't be hard because I usually wear heels when I'm going out anyway, but making sure I do it during the week will be the challenging part. -try and define my style. I had it nailed down for a couple years there, but my tastes are starting to drift again and I still haven't much figured out where they're drifting to, so shopping has become pretty frustrating! -Figure out how to curl my hair. I've been growing it out for about a year, and I love the new length but I'm never happy with my curling attempts anymore, even though when it was shorter I absolutely loved it and curled it all the time! -eat less salt. I'm not doing this for any kind of health reasons like a logical person would, but because I think I look a ton better when I'm not ingesting ridiculous amounts of sodium (like I've been doing the past couple months)
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
1. Limit the amount of cheapy stuff I buy. I don't want to cut it out completely, because it's fun to buy that stuff occasionally, but I seriously want to limit the amount of stuff from Target, Forever21, etc.
2. Try to make better use of the stuff I do have. Spend more time making outfits and trying things on in advance. If I wait until 8 in the morning and I have 20 minutes to get ready for work, I rarely ever put much effort in.
3. Try to buy more classic pieces and less trendy stuff. Basically, only things that actually flatter my body.
4. Buy more solids and less prints. I have enough prints to last me a life time.
I did pretty well overall!!! I definitely did #1, 3, and 4. I still need to work on #2.
This year:
1. Buy less in general. I have some serious financial goals that I need to work towards and I don't have disposable income to spend on clothing.
2. Stop buying stuff online. I tend to keep things that are just "OK" when I bought them online because I don't feel like returning. Plus, it's just a lot of wasted money on shipping, etc. I'm really going to try to buy online only when I know my size and/or I know I like it (for example, is saw it in the store but they didn't have my size, etc.).
3. continue with the themes from last year -- only buy stuff that flatters, nothing cheap, nothing too trendy, etc.
I didn't participate in this thread last year, but I was trying to meet a few goals. And, I did pretty well at limiting the colors I buy in an effort to have more of a mix and match wardrobe. I also didn't buy a lot of items that I don't wear, so that was good of me too. And, most importantly, I had to be able to come up with several outfits with each item I bought before buying it. That's my work in progress.
For 2009: 1. Stop buying shoes I don't need. I have WAY too many and I buy them just because they are cute. The would will always have new, cute shoes. I need to reel it in.
2. Replace basics but buy less in general. I have enough clothes, it's time to wear them all.
3. Stick to my plan of only buying certain colors and avoiding unflattering cuts.
4. Since I'll be job hunting in the new year, I will buy pieces that are interviewy and help build a more professional wardrobe. My current place of business is pretty laid back about dress code as long as I leave my jeans at home.
1. Only buy what I really love - if I think it's mediocre, it doesn't belong in my closet. But, even if I love it, if it looks like crap on me, then it really doesn't belong in my closet
2. Quality over quantity (this is an ongoing struggle)
3. Build a complete accessory wardrobe
4. Complete my wardrobe of basics (turtlenecks, camis, cardigans, trousers, skirts). Once I have all the basics, I would like to add pretty blouses and printed skirts
5. Build a weekend wardrobe that's cute and casual, but not sloppy
6. Actually style my hair, which will require the purchase of a T3 hair dryer and a straightening iron. I'm tired of feeling unpolished because my hair is everywhere or up in a sloppy ponytail.
I did decently well on all of them, but it's still a work in progress (some more than others). So, here's what I'm focusing on this year:
1. The biggest thing to really hone in on my style and what I really like and to develop and fine-tune my wardrobe around that. Over the past few years, my style has developed into a modern, romantic look with a little bit of classic thrown in to keep it grounded.
2. Keep building the accessory wardrobe- there are so many great finds on Etsy and other handmade venues.
3. My weekend wardrobe still needs some help. It's not so much weekend, but casual. I'm either schlepping around in sweats or I'm dressed up. I have a hard time finding the cute, casual middle ground.
4. I have too many clothes. I need to continue to purge. I'm tired of having so much stuff, clothes included. But...
5. I do want to buy more dresses and start wearing them more. It's the one item my closet is lacking.
My style resolutions for 2008: 1. Quality over quantity. The occasional Target purchase won't hurt me, but I'd like to start investing in things that will last a long time (I got a head start on this with the Chanel GST tote I got for Christmas).
2. Go blonder! My hair is probably a medium blonde now, and every time I see someone with a really pretty light shade of blonde hair, I get jealous.
3. Find a new hairstyle. I think I've had the same hair style for about 5 years now. It's a struggle though, because I have naturally curly hair, and there's not a whole lot of options for my hair type.
4. Lose weight so that I feel better in my clothes (and my skin). Being healthy is always in style.
5. Wear my contacts more often than I wear my glasses. I wore my glasses pretty much every single day this past semester, and I feel like it interferes with my look.
6. Get my jeans hemmed! Average jeans are a tad too short on me (I am super anal about this; I HATE when my pants are too short), but longs are too long on me. I always buy longs and cuff them, but I'm starting to think that it looks just as bad as having pants that are too short.
7. Switch up my accessories more. I have a lot of cute jewelry, but I always default to my diamond studs.
8. Stop wearing (and buying!) so many t-shirts and start buying more feminine clothing.
9. Donate ill-fitting, never worn, ugly clothing.
I did okay, but I had too many goals. I did #1, 2, 5, and 9, but sort of failed on the rest.
----------------------------------------------------------------------- My Style Resolutions for 2009:
1. Continue quality over quantity. I've gotten better about not buying so many clothes from places like Target.
2. Switch up accessories. I'll have to wake up earlier to do this one. I wear diamond studs every day, but I have lots of other jewelry.
3. Stop buying so many plain t-shirts! I do not need another t-shirt.
4. Continue to lose weight (I lost about 20 pounds last year). I need to start up my exercise routine again.
5. Try to "find" my style. It tends to be all over the place.
Know first, who you are; and then adorn yourself accordingly. - Epictetus
Ok I did not participate in that poll last year. I did have something I wanted to do in 2008 and I think I accomplished probably 70% of them.
I do have some things I'd like to do for 2009.
-Refine my personal style. I have this urban/feminine thing going ( adore Tracee Ellis Ross' style) but I there is a lot in my closet that doesn't really fit the bill. Which brings me to my other resolution
-Stop buying stuff because it is nice but doesn't really fit with anything in my closet. I have a tendency to buy things and they just sit there because I don't have anything to wear it with.
-Try to work with the things I already have in my closet.
-stop buying so many shoes :(
-(I realize this is a bit contradictory to the above statement) buy one pair of absolutely KILLER boots
-Loose 20 more pounds. I lost 35 this year...20 more before baby number 2 comes would make me happy!
2009 THE goal is to get down to a size 4! I learned a lot of financial lessons this year and I need to start learning to save money in 2009! Market my business effectively, even though it will especially tough in this economy!
Upgrade jeans - CHECK! I bought some better ones and just got all the long, sloppy pairs hemmed last week! Whew- just in time.
Stop buying things just to buy something (make sure it fits and looks right) - SO-SO - I did okay on this. I will say that there were a few things that were cute in the store but didn't work well after the first wearing.
Keep shoes polished- FAIL - I don't think I did this one time.
-------- NEXT YEAR ---------
1. Watch the prints, especially on tops. I notice that prints don't always look so great on me. I plan to relegate prints primarily to skirts and keep them minimal up top.
2. Keep using cardigans to stretch wardrobe
3. Buy more simple, decent quality tees, V-necks, boatnecks, and slight scoops look best on me. I love wearing them, so I need to remind myself to stock up and stop relying on just a few to get by.
4. Buy fewer items made with Viscose blends (aka: wussy fabric). I'm sick of throwing away clothes with holes in them.
5. Assemble at least 3 evening outfits that will always be waiting for me throughout the year. No more trying to put things together at the last minute, and no more squeaking-by with my too-casual wardrobe.
Have some things altered. I've basically stayed the same size all year after losing weight at the end of 2007, so I think I'm comfortable taking things in.
Keep buying only black/white/gray, keep up the thrift store junkets.
Do less online shopping. Just like Kitty said, I find I'll usually keep something I bought online even if I'm not thrilled with the fit, because I'm too lazy to return it. But I wouldn't buy those same items in the store after trying them on.
Add a good totebag to my life, and use smaller purses.
here's from last year, which i totally and completely forgot about!:
"hmmm... 1. get out of the jeans and a t-shirt rut. which leads to.... 2. i love the look of skirts and dresses and i have loads of them, but i normally only wear them on sundays to church. i resolve to wear them more often. 3. wear my jewelry more often. (i usually just wear my wedding set.) i always think, oh, i should save that for when i'm wearing something nice. and i need to buy more jewelry. 4. try posting an outfit or 2 on stylethread... eek! i'm kinda scared to do it, 'cause you girls are always so stylish! but i must! lol
that's probably enough for now... we'll see how i do! :)"
i didn't accomplish much on my list from last year... the one thing i did was #3, wear jewelry more often but i didn't buy any new jewelry. oh, well, i guess i'll just continue on with the hopes of reaching these goals this year! so: 1. get out of the tshirt and jeans rut 2. wear skirts and dresses more often 3. buy more jewelry 4. try posting a few oufits on stylethread
i really should print this out and hang it in my closet so i have no excuses next year! lol
"apparently there are more important things in life than fashion... yeah, right."
1. I'm still buying things on sale, not necessarily poor quality, but still. I KNOW I can afford nicer things. And I'm still just buying things b/c they are CUTE, not b/c I love them. I was doing good there for a while, then slipped and fell....
*DOING BETTER! Only buying things I LOVE, and can work into my current wardrobe.
2. NEVER DID get that nice handbag for about $100.00
*The search continues for 2009.......
3. I DID go thru my closet w/my niece, I just need to FINISH it up! I need to just 'let some things go'......Just de-clutter my closet with things I haven't worn in YEARS!!! My closets are SO FULL that I sometimes forget about things I have and like b/c I can't see them!! Pathetic I know. I'd like to SEE my actual wardobe........
*I now go thru my closets MORE OFTEN, so I did stick to this one....
4. My shoe fetish still exist, but I have slowed down a LOT on buying so many.... I've only brought maybe 3 prs. in the past 4 or 5 months. Yeah for me! LOL Never mind the fact that I still own over 200 prs. of shoes, and ONLY wear a few pairs year round. *sigh*
*Did a shoe inventory a while back, and GAVE AWAY (to my mom, etc.) a LOT of shoes. I no longer own over 200 prs! LOL I will do another shoe inventory to keep shoes I really LOVE, and wear more often than not!
SO! For 2008:
1. Attempt to wear more of my wardrobe, I didn't just buy all these clothes, to let them just SIT in my closet.....
*Doing better, wearing the clothes I HAVE already......
2. Buy what I need, unless I absolutely love it!!!! No more shopping just for the sake of shopping (I'm already slowing down on shopping).....
*I did pretty good..... I still LOVE to shop, just not as much now....
3. Tailor some clothing items that I already have; let it out, bring it in, whatever. LOL I need to start wearing my clothes!!! LOL
*WOOPS! That never went down.....
4. I might start going back to the beauty salon. I just hate she's scissor happy... I like my shoulder-length hair. I love the bob look, NOT SURE it'd look right on me.
*NOPE! NOPE! NOPE! I may, however, start going back for 2009, find a new stylist that ISN'T scissor happy....
SO! For 2009:
*I WILL find myself a nice handbag for about $100.00!
*Dress better on the weekends in the WINTER (I'm FINE, and usually in dresses, in the Summer). In the Winter, I just eh. LOL I really just throw on a track suit/t-shirt and be done w/it. I think jeans/nice shirt sounds good, or SOMETHING better!!!
*Take better care of myself. I'd LOVE to go to a salon, and let someone else PAMPER me (hands, nails, etc.). Yeah. I like that. :)
*STILL need to buy more going out clothes. I may go out once a month, and I ALWAYS have a hard time trying to find something to wear..... Grr.
*ONLY buy jewelry that I LOVE, and I KNOW I'll wear. STILL LOVE MY EARRINGS!!!
"Until you spread your wings, you'll have no idea how far you can fly".
My resolutions are to continue what I have been trying to do this year:
1. Go shopping in my own closet more often instead of to the stores when I feel bored. 2. Train myself to buy quality items that may cost more but will last longer in the long run. 3. Buy more dresses. 4. Stay away from items that pill/have potential of pilling. 5. Buy dress shoes/heels with leather soles. 6. Stay away from heels that are too high (I end up not wearing them often). 7. Stay away from uncomfortable shoes no matter how cute they are. 8. Buy classic pieces and punch it up with accessories. (I have been doing this already but need to stick with it... I find that as I am growing older, trendy clothing does not have as much appeal to me as it did before.) 9. Do not neglect health/makeup/hair when it comes to style. (I have found myself in the past to focus too much on clothing alone.)
My resolutions are to continue what I have been trying to do this year:
1. Go shopping in my own closet more often instead of to the stores when I feel bored. 2. Train myself to buy quality items that may cost more but will last longer in the long run. 3. Buy more dresses. 4. Stay away from items that pill/have potential of pilling. 5. Buy dress shoes/heels with leather soles. 6. Stay away from heels that are too high (I end up not wearing them often). 7. Stay away from uncomfortable shoes no matter how cute they are. 8. Buy classic pieces and punch it up with accessories. (I have been doing this already but need to stick with it... I find that as I am growing older, trendy clothing does not have as much appeal to me as it did before.) 9. Do not neglect health/makeup/hair when it comes to style. (I have found myself in the past to focus too much on clothing alone.)
missbean - Can you tell me why one would want to do number five? Just curious.
Pollyjean23 - it only applies for shoes I wear without socks/hosiery. Leather soles keep from my feet developing blisters when I wear such shoes all day. I commute via public transportation and do a fair amount of walking around and if the shoe is composed of man-made materials, I usually find that my feet/foot will start rubbing uncomfortably.
my fashion resolutions are to get my closet organized once and for all -- it's getting there. I got all matching flocked hangers from costco (50 for $20!) and I took a bunch of things to Salvation Army. I still need to get rid of more though...
I am being much more selective on what I buy. Less trendy and more quality. I'm also trying to buy things I KNOW I will wear a lot vs. items to stretch the wardrobe, or just because they are a good deal. One can go broke on good deals!
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase
I didn't partcipate last year, but I definitely have some style goals for the new year so here are my 2009 resolutions:
Weed through my clothes and get rid of things that just aren't going to work. I feel like I have way too much that just doesn't get worn or I buy things that are cute even if it's not the best for my body type, so I would like to sort of start from scratch and have fewer pieces but make them all items that I love and wear most often.
Work more heels into my wardrobe. I feel like so many outfits would look much more chic if I wore them with heels. I would also like to have fewer shoes because I end up buying some that are cute, but then they end up pretty uncomfortable (stretch out, pinch my toes or some part of my foot, just don't feel great after a full work day).
I have a lot of solids and would like to wear more prints. I've bought 2 printed tops so far and want to continue that trend, so I feel inclined to reach for something different every once in awhile.
Try to cultivate my style better and make sure the pieces that I buy work to convey that image. I just got the new Lucky book and am trying to look more Euro Chic; simple, classy, and just a touch of edgy (which usually involves a hot pair of heels, hence one of my other style goals).