Not to contradict the admin, but personally that doesn't work on my computer. I don't know if it's because I am a Mac user or not. When I right click an image the only option i have is "copy image location" - i do that & then when i paste it, I still have to put the following around it:
[img] URL [ /img]
no spaces between at all, i had to include spaces so that would show up. Again, sorry to add my 2 cents, but this frustrated me to no end until I figured it out using the other threads that the admin provided. If the copy / paste alone works, it is definately the easiest way.
btw, URL-web address just in case your computer literacy is that bad!
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
that might be it laken! I love firefox because its faster but it was just too much of a pain to me because it wasn't just posting pictures I would have problems with. Does safari let you copy and paste or is it just mac in general won't?
a mac in general will not let you cut and paste. I use firefox, internet explorer, safari and doesn't give you the option to cut, copy or paste...