I know I'm supposed to be on a self imposed ban, but there are a couple skirts I'm interested in as casual summer basics. Anyone buy anything from americanapparel.net?
itsapinkthing, if you can wait a bit I have a 10% discount code at home.
I've never bought from the site but I've got a bunch of their shirts. They just opened a store near my apartment and I keep looking at the skirts. Maybe I'll try some on this weekend.
OK now I am offically banned from shopping. If you girls see me post YELL at me, I can only buy After May 2nd. I think until it gets warm here I have enough transitional pieces.
I've bought from both the B&M and the web site. I really love their stuff. I've found that their t-shirts shrink A LOT, so you might want to keep that in mind.