quote: Originally posted by: laken1 "If I ever decide to finish the book I started when I got divorced several years ago called "Back to Dating" after MANY MANY lame dates, I will have to contact you & get your permission to use this story! The idea came from one of my customers when I started pouring out the stories of my many bad dates & he was laughing so hard he was in tears. Truly the more stories like yours that I hear the more tempted I am to gather these tales & publish them!!!!!!!!! "
You should definitely write it. If you do, we'll talk sometime and I'll give you some more juicy stories. Remember that SATC episode where Carrie goes out on all the blind dates and circus music plays in the background the whole time - "ladies and gentleman, step right up and see the man who steals from a used bookstore for no good reason"? And she thinks there's something wrong with every guy she dates and then she dates a reg. one and goes crazy herself? That episode, right there, defines the majority of my dating experiences. I guess I'm lucky though - without all of those baaaaddd first dates, I'd have nothing to entertain my friends with!
Oh Blubirde, I smiled reading your story but...ugh. The two worst things that stand out are a)taking you to see a Christian comedian, knowingly, and not telling you beforehand (wtf? tricking someone into seeing something you know they wouldn't choose to as first date fodder?) and b)accepting your offer to help pay for the expensive dinner.
I would have made the offer as well, not expecting it to be taken up. If it had been, I would have done what you did - paid, smiled, said nothing. But dude's chances of a second date would be significantly reduced.
And he called you again!! Why are men so stoopid sometimes?
"Don't be cool. Cool is conservative fear dressed in black. Don't limit yourself in this way." - Bruce Mau