I looked all over the net for reviews on this shoe. Alas, all I could find was hype. I don't know if they work, but I have been intrigued ever since I first heard of them. If you try them make sure to let us know how you like them.
I did find a few places on the net with 30 day satisfaction guarantees so it's not like you have to be out the $233 if you end up with buyer's remorse.
I can't seem to find out anything either on the shoe. I don't know of anyone who's tried it. can't bring myself to order them before fully researching them, but if I do get them I'll post an update.
I dont know, but I dont like how they look! I saw a petite lady with them on one day and they looked enormous on her. I should have stopped her and asked about them....
Sneakers are supposed to act as stabilizers for your your feet and your ankles. These look all but stable. Which is probably why they would help you tone up.
I wouldn't buy them personally, knowing what I do about fitness and sneakers. They look bad for your knees and that is the biggest trouble for women as they grow older. Save your knees!
Seashell honey, anyone with cellulite cares about it a lot more than about knees. But it's nice of you to be so practical :o) Personally, if these sneakers help anyone, please post - because kickboxing isn't going to hold it off forever for me... I've actually started doing a daily cellullite check - isn't that sad?