My bf was supposed to come visit me in Shanghai this week (arriving date was supposed to be last night) but he got stuck in a snowstorm in NYC on Sunday and ended up missing connecting flights. Anyway, he's not coming anymore and we had a Thailand trip organized and everything for this Friday. I'm so upset, but I don't want to start screaming at him because the weather is not his fault.
So, I'm going to Thailand by myself. I don't mind travelling on my own, in fact, I enjoy it, but I can't help but to be disappointed with him
And to top it all off my birthday is on Saturday and looks like I'll be on my own.
Ugh, that totally sucks! I can has definitely gotten in the way of my boyfriend and I seeing each other and it's so hard not to get mad, even though it's not anyone's fault. Don't feel bad about being disappointed; it's only natural. I'm sure he feels bad about missing out on the trip too. Maybe you can pick up stuff in Thailand that'll make you and him feel better?
Oh, that is so sad! I just logged in after seeing my bf off to the airport, and it's nothing like the separation you and your bf have been dealing with, so I can only imagine -- and on your birthday too! Yuck.
My advice is to find a way to make yourself feel like he is part of the thailand trip. Take silly pictures and email them with captions as if he was there or something. Best I can do.
Try to have fun - I know we all sympathize!
Forget, forgive, conclude, and be agreed. - Shakespeare
Thanks for the support! I have talked to him and things are better, managed not to yell at him too much since I know it's not his fault, and he is disappointed as well.