I locked myself out a few days ago right as I was supposed to be heading to school. We have a sliding glass door that doesn't lock properly, so I popped it open and thought I could get the stick out of the door by reaching in with some sort of garden tool. I was incorrect. So I ended up being late to my first day of class, I have bruises on my forearms that make my husband look terribly abusive, and I ruined the toes of my favorite shoes as I was kneeling on the pavement.
Jeffrey Campbell 'Maude'
The leather is very soft, and I scratched it down to the material on the toes . I think they're beyond repair, so I need to replace them. I might not choose shoes like this normally, but need something that's suitable for school (see criteria below) and these are perfect - they really just look like simple ballet flats under jeans.
Can you help me? I would love to find the same shoes again, but can't find them in my size (6) for a decent price, since they usually run $90-ish. I need something similar - closed toe (science lab rules), low wedge, relatively comfortable since I'll be standing in them alot, cheap as possible. Please ?
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}