I am in a huge simplification phase of my life. I am going to get rid of all the random skin care products I've been hoarding. I'm looking for some simple inexpensive products that would be ideal for a mom of four to actually use. I've certainly used and been very pleased with a variety of high end products in the past but cost and being able to purchase them without driving to the mall or waiting for delivery are key at this stage. I think I read somewhere that Solidad Obrien uses cetaphil exclusively. Anyone else have great sucess with something you can buy at your local drug store? I guess I'm sort of looking for a system similar to clinique three step.
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Not really sure of what you mean by simple - I guess no anti-wrinkle, anti-pimple, etc?
I would go for Neutrogena, they have good quality products, always dependable. I use the gentle foaming cleanser and really like it. You should get that and a moisturizer with spf, at very least.
cetaphil for sure. its awesome. both the cleanser and the moisturiser.
Carrie Bradshaw: The fact is, sometimes it's really hard to walk in a single woman's shoes. That's why we need really special ones now and then to make the walk a little more fun.
I use this as my daily morning moisturizer, but the sensitive skin version. It's lightweaight, fast absorbing, with SPF. I discovered it after a co-worker recommended it to me when I had a cold and my skin was raw under my nose and my regular cream was burning the sensitive raw skin. She was on a budget and has very sensitive skin and began using this with great success. They sell both the regular and the sensitive skin at Costco. It comes in a 2 pack. My sister uses a generic version (from CVS I think) and also likes it. With a CVS coupon you can get it for around $5 I think. So, regular price is probably $8-9. I use about one bottle every 6 months....
For face exfoliation I have begun using olive oil and sugar a lot. I bought a tiny bottle of store brand olive oil from the grocery store, and a small canister of sugar so they fit in the medicine cabinet. I smear on some oil, then hop in the shower and pour a litte sugar in my hand and rub it until it feels too rough, then add water so it isn't as abrasive. The water melts the sugar so it's less scratchy. Then I just rinse it off. I do it in the shower because the sugar can be a little messy at the sink. If you do this after washing your face at night, you can leave the olive oil residue on your face and feel really soft. The oil doesn't irritate my face if I only do this every so often.
what I use at night is st. ives make up remover/cleanser, witch hazel as an astringent, and 70,000 IU vitamin e-oil.
after I wash my face in the shower with bar soap, I use witch hazel again, followed by an oil of olay moisturizer (I second they're good for sensitive skin.)
as my hormones have been whacked after my surgery, I have been having problems with break outs, but I know it's attributable to my permanent loss of estrogen
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase
I Love your idea of simplification - I've been trying to do that too- stop being a product whore and keep it to a few good products in my medicine cabinet. I think Cetaphil is really good. It is used at dermatologists' offices
Big kudos to Cetaphil - I've been using it for years and it does great with my combination sensitive skin. Does not irritate, cause breakouts, etc., and it is very affordable. I use their cleanser and lotion/cream. You can get Cetaphil products in bulk from costco. I bought mine over a year ago and still have a few months' worth of product to go...
When I travel, I use Oil of Olay premoistened daily facial cloths. Not sure if that's the exact name, but they are so convenient when I'm not home and do a good job cleansing and removing makeup without irritating.
I do sometimes buy the clinique yellow moisturizer in the "gel" formula during summertime - the consistency feels really good on my skin. And I bought "all about eyes" when I was there, figured I should start worrying about laugh lines... hth! I like to keep it as simple as possible too :)
http://v247.tumblr.com One cannot perceive beauty, but with a serene mind -Thoreau
I've had great luck with both Neutrogena and Aveeno - both brands seem to have nice stuff that is relatively inexpensive and non-irritating.
I'm also giving Cetaphil a shout out (one of the big bottles from the 2-pack at costco lasts me over a year, too). I use it at night mixed with a bit of baking soda. Very gentle exfoliation and takes my make up off - I keep a box of baking soda under the bathroom sink, I think they're maybe a $1 each?
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}