so I had pretty much the worst morning EVER when I noticed that my wallet was gone (see- there are bad sides to not shopiing...I would have noticed much sooner if I actually got to use my wallet!!)... but I called the police and someone actually turned it in! I guess there really are nice people left- everything was still in it too! AND when I checked my bank account to see if anything was gone I noticed that my paycheck was almost 30 dollars more because I moved from DC to VA and taxes are less here! So my horrible morning is actually not so bad, even though I'm still upset.
that's a good story! i'm glad that you found it and didn't have to go through the hassle of cancelling cards, etc. this once happened to me.. i lost my wallet in washington sq park and someone turned it in (the asst DA that was eating lunch in the park) either way, it's nice to know that there are honest, nice ppl still around!!
Sorry your morning started out badly but it seems like your luck turned around. Finding your wallet with everything in it plus the extra $30! That's kinda nice. Maybe I should lose my wallet for a day and see if I can get an extra $20 or $30
Yay for nice people! My fiance recently lost his wallet outside of a bar. Someone found it, passed it to someone else who then gave it to the bartender. The bartender kept it unil Jon could pick it up. All the money was still inside (over $120). I really do believe that there are many more good people than bad.