Can someone explain seed bead sizing to me? I am going to buy a bunch off eBay and make myself a bracelet and necklace, but I don't understand the sizing terms on eBay.
Also, what material is used to string the beads on? Thread seems too flimsy, wire seems to structured (unless that's what youre going for)?
"Don't be cool. Cool is conservative fear dressed in black. Don't limit yourself in this way." - Bruce Mau
I have no idea about sizing, but there is wonderful, thin, flexible wire that is the best - it holds up really well but still allows for a floaty shape as if strung on string, AND it's thin enough to use with seed beads. HTH
Forget, forgive, conclude, and be agreed. - Shakespeare
Hey Mia - what does the sizing say? Does it say 4mm or does it say 6 something. I forget - but I think the higher the number the smaller the beads. I think - don't hold me to that.
Also - it depends on the size of beads that you use - you could use a silk thread which will definitely hold up seed beads and not too expensive. Also - if you use wire - in order for it not to be too rigid - you need to get a high quality wire - which may be pretty pricey - but the quality makes it not so rigid and inflexible. You probably want a thinner wire b/c seed beads are not that heavy.
Pepper is correct; the higher the number, the smaller the beads. For example, one of the most common seed bead sizes is 11, or 11/0. If you get into, say, 14, those dang things are going to be soooo tiny - most people don't enjoy working with seed beads that small. Conversely, size 6 (also known as "e" beads) are much larger, technically still a "seed" bead, but not what most of us think of when we hear that.
One caveat - typically seed beads from Asia - like Hong Kong, I think (it's been a long time since I have played with seed beads) are usually better quality than the Czech ones, though the Czech beads are ubiquitous. If you are doing something that needs consistently sized beads / holes, like some types of beadweaving, you'd be better off with Asian beads. Otherwise, Czech will work just fine; you just may have to cull some here and there.
As for stringing, I used to use a type of nylon (non-stretchy) thread, and hide the knots at the end in clamshells. If I used something like SoftFlex, then you need to crimp the ends instead. You can't use crimps on any type of thread, as they have a tendency to cut the thread with their sharp edges.
Good luck!
"Good taste shouldn't have to cost anything extra." - Mickey Drexler