I am currently on an assignment in Shanghai (other side of the world) so when you guys are online I'm prob in bed and when I'm posting you're prob in bed.
It does tend to get boring for me during the day, so if you feel like logging on to the forum late at night, know that I am anxiously awaiting your posts
Nice to know that some of us make a habit of burning the midnight (or in Joina's case, daytime) oil. I'm here the few nights a week I stay up to write my thesis.
Joina - in what industry do you work? How is your assignment treating you?
I work for a large Consulting firm, and my client has decided to open up shop here in Shanghai so I am here to help them recruit/train the new staff.
Shanghai is actually quite a nice city. Of course I tend to hang out in the "ex-pats" places and you could say that I really haven't seen the real side of China. There are tons of restaurants/bars/lounges and the best part, I get to tailor all my clothes.
Coming home to NY in March, so I am almost done here
My "name" on makeupalley is also doveanunu. if you want the general chat section, just click on the little green coffee cup. Hope to see you there sometime!
I was in China in September for a month. I remember finding an ex-pat grocery store in Shanghai when I had a real big craving for peanut butter, if you haven't found one yet I can ask my boyfriend where it was (I am not so good with directions). If you get a chance, you should check out Beijing. I liked it better than Shanghai and there are a ton of flights everyday between the two and they are pretty cheap. We stayed at a cool place in Beijing and out by the Great Wall, so if you want any info feel free to PM me.
I log on in the evening too which is great catch-up time to read posts. I think I'm 17 or 18 hours behind Shanghai so I've seen you on the boards while I'm on.
MUA definitely has a bit of action @ all times of the day.
I'm pretty much on all hours of the day. Mostly because I'm addicted
I've noticed the amount of activity over at MUA too. I'm surprised at how much activity there is; I'll log on, read some posts, go to another website for a few minutes and then go back and there'll already be an entire new page of posts/responses. It's nuts!
Then maybe I should stay away from MUA, I do have work to do!
mckenke - I think we exchanged a few words about Brazil before too! you and I must be travel kindred spirits As for the ex-pats place you mentioned, I go there everyday! I think you are talking about the City Supermarket in the Shanghai Center (Ritz-Carlton) which is around the corner from where I live... I have been to Beijing a few times, and I did like it there. But I have to say, I like Shanghai better... maybe because I have never truly experienced Beijing, and I have been here in Shanghai for 5 months now.
Hey...I'm always up at like 3 and 4 am Eastern (12 and 1 am Pacific) and I almost never see people on! It's almost the only timeI can post now that I have basically a full time job and two classes to juggle too.
Joina, I am a travel junkie. My boyfriend and I pick a different country each year plus I have traveled on my own. I have to say China was not one of my favorites, but it was a great trip. We also went out to Yunnan province and did some hiking it was completely different than the cities. I work for an international development org. so contacting country offices and reaing about them all day makes me want to visit all of them.