i have had this bag for a few years, and i like it, but i only really carry it when i am traveling because it is so big. do you guys honestly think it is still in style and would it be ok to start carrying it on regular days? what could i wear it with?
it looks really dark in this pic--it's the "saddle" color that they always have. and this ebay seller is a big fat liar because the bag was a special edition that was never sold in stores--they had it with gold hardware but not silver.
anyway-second question: my mom got me the little wristlet that they had for x-mas that is the wavy bright-colored suede stripes (i think some people here posted the matching tote--maybe it was Karina?)--i'll try to find a pic to post. anyway, i like it but i'm not sure what to wear it with--any ideas?
The wristlet should go with any casual outfit that has similar tones in it. And once you start carrying it, you'll be hooked! It's so nice not to have to find a place for your purse all the time when you go out. I end up using my wristlets more than my real purses.