I got my first full bikini wax yesterday and I'm still really raw and in pain. My waxing lady said that the swelling should go down in a couple of hours but it's been a whole day and it actually feels worse. Most of the swelling is gone but it's still pretty pink and irriatated. Is this normal and what should I do? Is it a bad idea to work out today if i'm still pretty raw?
i've had a million brazilians and that has never happened to me. it sounds like she used bad wax. put neosporin on it and just wait it out. (and don't go back there).
I had a similar reaction the one and only time I got a wax - yeouch!
I'd probably avoid working out until it looks less irritated - I stupidly got mine done at the beginning of a 4-day-long dance recital, and resulting activity left me with verrrrrry irritated skin that turned into lots of ingrown hairs that took me nearly 6 months to get rid of.
Ibuprofen & ice packs; neosporin if the skin is actually broken (like if she took off an extra layer or two) or cortisone if it's sensitive but intact. And I second esquiress - don't go back there again!
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
i've had a million, too and it's never happened to me eithr. esquiress is right, don't go back! or maybe you have sensitive skin? i was thinking some sort of powder or aloe. and aspirin.
i'm not sure about this, but it seems to hurt less the more times you get it done... still hurts like hell though.
I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day. -Frank Sinatra
Thanks ladies, I bought some triple antibiotic and I'm going to see how that works out. I'm not going to work out today just in case it makes it worse. The sensation I have is like I shaved myself with the dullest razor on dry skin. I'm so disappointed because it was my first time and this has been a really bad experience.
you should call the spa back and ask to talk to a manager to let them know about your experience! Brazilians are expensive and you should get a refund! I know from experience working in a spa that not all estheticians are created equal! maybe she was a newbie!
Every time I wax at home I use Bikini Zone cream afterwards and never have any irritation. I think it's just antibiotic and hydrocortisone. Hope you feel better!
“Ginger Rogers did everything Fred Astaire did. She just did it backwards and in high heels.” Ann W. Richards
Well after it got even worse last night I decided to go to the doctor today about it. He prescribed me some medicine that will numb it and a steriod to heal it. Apparently I just had an infection of my hair folicle which should go away in a few days with the medicine. Ugh, this whole experience has been terrible and I am scared to get another wax. But at least I know what it is! Thanks for you help ladies!
I had a wax that was supposedly for sensitive skin............................ I was visibly swollen and sore afterwards, I had to sit on ice and the swelling went down.
I think its weird to say "Its never happened" bc don't people have different sensitivities? Esp the first time, or if you don't have enough growth so the waxer tends to have a rough time.