I'm moving on from my first professional job on to the next...
thing is, I have come to realize that at this current job I am really well respected ( I never realized to what extent until now). Then again, I feel like the competition is lacking so I'm the best out of a mediocre bunch.
I'm so scared that I'm going to suck a** at my new job. My new boss has her MBA from Wharton while I getting my Master's in Accounting on-line.
I have a good work ethic, willing to put in extra hours, very friendly and receptive, but i'm so scared that that's not enough. I have moments where I feel I'm smart enough but moments where I am so insecure I wish I never took the job. No, strike that, I'm glad I took the job regardless.... anyone been in a similar situation?
I kind of feel like that sometimes, but you have to think about it this way: They wouldn't have hired you if they didn't think you could do the job. When it comes down to it, nobody cares where you went to school, they care about your dedication and willingness to get the job done. The only thing that can hold you back is your lack of confidence, so just believe you can do it. You're just as smart as everyone else, and if you work harder than them, you'll be a more valued employee. (As I'm writing this, I realize I have to take my own advice). I know it's hard, but the longer you are there, the easier that it will be. Good luck and don't second guess yourself!