What did everyone think of it last night? For some reason I don't think this season is that great. I think either she kept Fabrice b/c he is the one w/ all the drama to keep the show interesting or b/c he will help her w/ what the guys say and are like.
I think Jerry (the cute guy she kissed in the boat) will definitely make it to the final two.
I have no idea why she kept Frenchie around. He's just plain weird. She looked scared when he kept pulling her in for a hug on their date (and sticking his tounge down her throat the first time he kissed her). Then getting pissed because she picked him last at the rose ceremony... I liked JP after thier date but then at the rose ceremony he was wearing loafers and no socks. For some reason that put me off. I think this season has been different. Before it seems like people actually like each other. I'm not getting it from this season.
Frenchie needs to go. His attitude when he received his rose was terriable. I like Jerry and JP for her. I have to agree that this season is not very good.
Grace! i was wondering if anyone else noticed the nasty loafers w/o socks look. plus they were brown w/ a black suit!! (maybe navy, but still!) plus, i don't like his lips, he looks weird to me, like he's on drugs. i like jerry & ryan best! i cannot believe she kept frenchie!! i thought it was him & josh in the bottom 2 (haha, already in idol mode). anyways, it's the first time i've really watched this show but jen just seems freaked out to me in general.
was fabrice crying when after he got his rose? i swear i saw a couple tears roll down his cheek when he was standing there. what a baby to be pissed that he got the LAST rose ...
I think Jerry and Ben will be the last 2, although Ryan seems kinda cool too. So far I think Jen likes Jerry the best, she seemed nervous around him and wasn't making weird faces (like she did with all the other guys who said stupid shit--that was hilarious) when he talked to her. It was cute when Jerry danced with her in the boat.
Fabrice is definitely a little weird, he is very emotional and it weirded me out when he was all pissed off for being the last guy picked. I agree that he was kept either for the sake of keeping things interesting or because he was willing to disclose info on the other guys to Jen.