I don't know why but I always seem to stress myself out at the beginning of the semster and I never calm down until after finals which sucks. Case in point: I already feel lost in a class and its only been 2 classes. I'm going to a different one today to see if I want to switch into it instead but I've heard so many bad things about it (how hard it is and stuff) that I'm already freaked out over it.
I just have that overwhelmed feeling like I don't know if I'm going to make it out in one piece and pass everything. I wish I was more like the slacker students who are happy with C's and do minimumal amounts of work but I am type A+++++ so its hard.
I'm already counting down the weeks to the end of the semester (kinda early I know). I'm just so glad this is my last semester ever unless I'm teaching in college.
I just needed to get this out. Thanks for listening to me and my craziness.
Hang in there! I am an A++++++ type too, but just try not to stress out about everything. Get through it the best you can because it will all be worth it in the end - and then you NEVER HAVE TO DO IT AGAIN! EVER!
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
Thanks for the encouraging words Leah. I am just so ready to get out. I went to the other class and luckily it doesn't seem like a foreign language to me like the other one did. I think I'm dropping the stats class and picking up this one. They are both equally as awful but at least I know people in this class and its business oriented.
I just don't know what is wrong with me. 2 weeks ago I was fine, my relationship with the bf was great, my relationship with my parents and brother was great and now all the sudden I'm all testy, wanting to cry every night, stressed, etc. I called my counselor so hopefully I'll get to see her in the next week or two just to talk it all out.
I think anyone in your situation would be stressed out, working and going to school at the same time. Even if you like what you're doing, it still takes up alot of your time and energy so if things start to feel tense there it affects everyone and everything in your life. Do you have a countdown calendar yet?
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
oh yeah girl. 13 full weeks left. I'm feeling somewhat better. I got one of my books in and read chapter 1 so maybe I will start calming down. I just hate how teachers feel it is their duty to scare you the first few weeks of school. Its so pointless.
I feel your pain. Except this is my second semester of college, which means I have a while to go. But just tell yourself that soon it'll all be over, and you'll get to start a whole new phase of your life (an all-nighter, 100 pages of reading a night, exam free phase.) The semester will be over before you know it. Good luck!!
Oh do I feel your pain. I am an A++++++++++++ student as well. I hate anything less. If you are feeling lost ask the teacher for help, if it is the teacher that is not articulating well, then try the other class even if it is said to be harder. Not only will you learn more, you might have an easier time with this teacher b/c you will be able to comprehend what the teacher is teaching. Keep in mind that other students might think it is hard b/c they are slackers and this might be one of the few classes they actually have to do work to get a C. Hang in there, I just finished my last semester, I was lucky to get more than 3 hours of sleep a night, between school, work, and group projects taht lasted until 1am, and then of course HmWk, but after finishing I have never felt so relieved. Hang in there it is almost over.