I've been doing some research on digital cameras and so far I'm into this Nikon Coolpix 4100.
It's $219.99 at Costco.com.
I don't want anything terribly sophisticated or gadget-y, but that takes great pictures.
My understanding is that Nikons are great camera. My mom had a Nikon film camera that my family used for 20+ years that took great pictures. I know some girls here have Coolpixes, so I was wondering what y'all thought of them and if this is a good basic camera.
Nikons are really good cameras and I really wanted one for christmas but my parents bought me a canon (equally as good) because they are a tad cheaper. You can get more megapixels on a canon camera for the same price as a lower megapixel nikon. I wanted the higher number megapixels over the name.
I got a Canon Power Shot A95: (the viewfinder rotates and flips around - really cool) The amazon write up is in the link. You can get them anywhere.
Oooh...I was just going to post a question about this b/c DH took our Canon with him to SE Asia, and I want a new one anyway, but not a fancy-schmacy one.
No problem. I really love my camera. It has all these settings but I keep it on auto and the pics come out great. I'm just not into reading the manual yet. So I guess when I want to be fancy I can but if I don't then I can be simple.
Oh the only other recommendation I have is to get a card reader because transferring directly from the camera to the computer drains the batteries. And get 2 sets of rechargable batteries if you go on vacation so you can always have one set recharging. Mine takes 4 AA's and I am constantly draining the regular ones.
I love Nikons and Canons. I use Nikons at work and Canons at home. One thing I would recommend is to make sure the camera you get comes with a rechargeable battery pack, not individual regular batteries. My yearbook students use two fuji digitals (got them for free) that only take AA, and it is ridiculous how much money we spend on batteries.
i have the nikon coolpix 3700 & love it! the pix are amazing & the battery seems to last forever (rechargeable so i just recharge when i'm at home & i've never been somewhere when it ran out). it's super easy to DL the pix to a computer & it's super small so i can take it anywhere in even the smallest of purses (it's the same size as my camera phone). through a very painstaking process i was able to get it for under $150 (by way of fatwallet.com) by pricematching & getting $100 rebate (still active). mine has 3.2 megapixels & 3x optical zoom & was reccomended by a photographer friend of mine. good luck!