About a month or so ago, I posted a question about personal trainers, just looking to get more info. Shortly after that, there was discussion on here about what to do with the economic stimulus checks and Suasoria had a great suggestion to spend the money on local services, instead of just buying more foreign-made crap. So, DH and I decided to bite the bullet and we signed up for 24 sessions with a personal trainer.
That was about a month ago. He took a bunch of measurements at the time and took our body fat percentage and talked to us about nutrition and a bunch of other stuff and we've generally been working our asses off at the gym 6 times a week since then.
Fast forward to today and we had our measurements and body fat taken again as a comparison and I've lost 4% body fat!!! Wheeeeeeeeee! I've lost a total of 2 pounds, but based on all the calculations, I've lost 6 pounds of fat and gained a bunch of muscle and as a result, I've lost inches all over. I'm totally stoked and just had to share with you all!