High fuel prices have resulted in a reverse of outsourcing. It is becoming cost prohibitive to outsource to Asia, Central and South America due to increased shipping costs as a result of high fuel prices. There are companies that are choosing to no longer outsource but insourse. This is allowing the US to recapture jobs thought lost.
This gives new meaning to "buy local" -- thoughts?
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase
hmm - I like it. Because of Omnivore's Dilemma (which I've raved about before) I'm increasingly interested in the politics of farming and in particular agriculture in the US. Hopefully this will give our poor small farmers a boost - what's left of them, anyway. At the same time, I feel bad for some of the poorer countries that will hurt from the loss of business, but I'm happy for the little guys here who may end up finally seeing a payday!